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Opinions of Saturday, 5 May 2018

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

To hell with the NDC sycophantic Prophet Badu Kobi

Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi

How shameless is the NDC sycophantic Prophet of doom going by the name Badu Kobi? I wonder why the Ghana media continue to grant publicity to these teeming false prophets who are directly retarding the socio-economic advancement of Ghana. Throughout the week, they would want their followers, thus, church members, to troupe to their churches listening to their balderdash prophecies of doom, prosperity and political happenings.

Do these prophets not know that the prosperity of individual Ghanaians in all facades of their lives lies in hard work, possession of useful ideas, good neighbourliness, obedience to the laws of the land etc., but not in their frenzied predictions of doom and miraculous material prosperity amid projecting and campaigning for their political idols all for what they hope to gain?

Just as I was going to write about my topic for the day, “The Concerned Youth of Ashanti”, I chanced upon a publication on Ghanaweb titled, “Ghanaians have regretted voting for Akufo-Addo - Rev Badu Kobi”. Reading a few paragraphs of the said publication which is under the web link cited below, I decided to address the issue before proceeding to do anything else.

For the attention of all discerning Ghanaians who are both political and apolitical, I call on you to take the predictions by Prophet Badu Kobi and his ilk with a pinch of salt. They are false prophets. Because of them, the few genuine prophets who do not publicize themselves have also become subjects to public ridicule.

So far so good with His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. I do not support NPP and the President blindly. I criticise them constructively; give them advice and suggestions when I see them to be erring. I praise them when they are due for praise.

For the fact that the President and his government are resolutely determined to wage a successful war on the devastative illegal surface mining (galamsey) regardless of the hurdles and the possibility of the NDC and clueless political prophets like Badu Kobi taking advantage of it to undermine the President and his government, is a credit to His Excellency the President and his NPP government. Does Badu Kobi know the importance of rivers (water), clean air and arable fertile lands to the sustenance of human life on earth? Did he know how the uncontrolled galamsey activities, supportive of by his idol incompetent and corrupt former President John Dramani Mahama, ruining the nation’s water bodies, polluting the air and destroying the virgin forests and the fertile lands? It is only Ghanaians like Prophet Badu Kobi who do not appreciate the usefulness of water, air and fertile lands that will go against the efforts by the NPP government to stopping the evilness of galamsey.

The President has implemented the policy of free Senior High School education to give the Ghanaian youths the chance to become academically enlightened. In a few years to come, no politician can fool them to sell their votes to them for pittance at election time. They will educate their illiterate parents on their rights so that nobody goes to fool them with offer of machetes, tins of sardine or geisha or rice during elections just to have them vote for them.

The President is on course to achieve most of his electioneering promises. It is only those who are not politically mature or conversant with the problems faced by third world countries and how implementations of political campaign policies are staggered, thus, come across in stages, that will begin to condemn the President to the gallows barely one and a half years into his presidency. Yes, there have been some problems like increase in armed robberies and other unhelpful menaces, the NPP government is still dealing with them to bring sanity into the country.

I do not want to know the intellectual background of Prophet Badu Kobi, however, he comes across as a malicious person who cares only about his stomach and his ever readiness to be a puppet of NDC and former President John Dramani Mahama. Does he have eyes that can see and ears that can hear? Did he not see the magnitude of corrupt practices involved in by former President Mahama and the NDC government? Why is he so inimical towards the person Nana Akufo-Addo? Did he become a beneficiary of the largess of former President John Dramani Mahama hence his animus posture towards His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the NPP?

Was he not the one who predicted victory for President Mahama and the NDC because of his insightful knowledge about the NDC secretly setting up rigging machines to rig Election 2016? Did the NDC and then President/presidential-candidate Mahama win the election as predicted by this father of all fake prophets? Let it be known to him that it is immoral and criminal to use one’s knowledge of a secretly existing thing, to come out openly to foretell that thing as though it is yet to happen.

Ghanaians, please watch the underlying videos carved from the YouTube to judge for yourselves the nature of person or prophet Badu Kobi is. One is headlined, “Rev Owusu Bempah Explains In Detail Why He Disowns Prophet Badu Kobi” and the other, “Nana Addo Can Never Win The 2016 Elections: Prophesy By Prophet Kobi”. Do not be deceived by his false prophecies. However, he is not to be rejected as an enemy but be seen as someone who needs our prayers because he lacks confidence and feels uncomfortable in his skin, a failed prophet who seeks media attention.

Should he see NPP and President Nana Akufo-Addo as his enemies, I shall advise NPP and the President to rather see him in the following sense as once expressed by one of the Founding Fathers of America, Benjamin Franklin. He said, “Critics are our friends, they show us our faults.”

We have had enough of these charlatanries by Ghanaian prophets of who Prophet Badu Kobi is principal.