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Opinions of Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Columnist: Appiah, John

Tony Aidoo And Victor Smith Should Have Known Better

As the dust continues to settle on Ghana’s credible elections with no regard to how the NPP may term it, many are trying to court the attention of the President-elect. But the last person Ghanaians will expect is good old Tony Aidoo who seems not to be tired working in government. This is one of former President Rawlings’ most outspoken Ministers who once told Ghanaians he had been enjoying wealth at an early age, in fact driving car to secondary school as his parents were so affluent in society. His recent outburst on Chairman Rawlings have made many to wonder if Tony Aidoo is trying to revisit the torrid times the NDC had under the Mills’ administration. What Dr. Tony Aidoo fail to know is that, we are under a new dispensation, a fine gentleman as President, humble and a good- listener who cannot be easily enticed with pretense. He also fail to know that , had it not been the coming of John Mahama, who brought a new life into the NDC by showing respect and dignity to those he met climbing his ladder into politics, Ghana would have had an supercilious President in Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo.

What he did fail to know also is that Rawlings has more following than any individual in the NDC, and despite his attack on the Mills’ presidency has nothing evil against the party he founded. I am yet to see a man who will willingly set his house he labored to build on fire because the occupants are keeping it dirty.

The call by Rawlings for an investigation into the elections alleged by the NPP to have been massaged in favour of the ruling party is for the purpose of clarity in the minds of Ghanaians and to erase any doubts on the outcome of the polls which could probable stain the legitimacy of President Mahama’s leadership. Mr. Rawlings as a renowned statesman has the right to make comment on susceptible national issues that could dampen the recognition the international community accords the nation. If prominent sons of our land that we expect to bring the NPP to order are so silent on the issue, why then find problem with Chairman Rawlings. Where is the Kofi Annan, the Dr. Spio- Garbrah, the Iban Chambas, the Victor Gheho and the likes who are distinguished diplomats .Leaving out the former UN Secretary- General, is it because the rest are NDC bigwigs so to them all is well? I challenge them to come out so the NPP do not portray a different image of Ghana to the world.

It is interesting that in a country labeled by the international community as pace-setter in Democratic governance in our sub-region, one could not make a constructive analysis without reproach.

After losing his parliamentary bid, Victor Smith also nervous of been snubbed by the President wants his voice to be heard so have to descend on the Former President in order to gain undue favour. If you cannot win in a constituency in a region you serve as a Regional minister, then what kind of confidence do you think the President should repose in you to deliver in the next government. What fascinates me is the fact that, both Tony Aidoo and Victor Smith were once upon a time the praise singers of Mr. Rawlings.

I want to admonish Dr. Tony Aidoo, Victor Smith and other partisans who are waiting to profit from any comment from Mr. Rawlings to better revise their notes for the sake of party unity and the strength of our democracy. No opportunist should take advantage of Mr. Rawlings to gain the President’s trust and favour, we as a party have crossed that stage. If they had known better, maybe if not ill-conceived, they wouldn’t have used the media to caution the former President on his utterances.

They must know that elections are over; and partisan rancor must now be put aside. The President must be given the peace of mind to make credible appointments that will strengthen his government and the nation’s development goals. To make appointments that will signal his readiness to have an inclusive government; a government that will bring the best brains of mother Ghana together to serve the nation’s interest. Not a government controlled by an egocentric group that we saw during the Mills’ administration.

The NDC as a party has very competent persons that could spur the country on to greatness hence we must stop the animosity in the interest of Ghana to allow the President to get on board the best assets we have. I believe the likes of Haruna Iddrisu, Alban Bagbin, Juliana Azumah- Mensah, Martin Amidu, Dr. Ekow Spio- Garbrah, Hanna Tetteh- Kpoda, Joe Gidisu, Kofi Adams, and looking beyond the party, Prof. Ewurama Addy, Prof. Ayittey(the Economist), Eva Lokko could make a very unique government.

Let me assure NDC faithful and Ghanaians that, the NPP has no evidence of rigging, and are only trying the “operation save the face” to gain some sympathy for the party. The NPP leadership was just too sure of winning that the shock of defeat seems untenable. Inasmuch as there may perhaps be minor flaws in the elections, it should not give the NPP cause to ignite false hope in its partisans thereby creating unnecessary anxiety and tension in the country. Nana Akuffo Addo ought to follow the examples of Al Gore who conceded defeat to George Bush in 2000 in America’s most disputed election.

I entreat all Ghanaians to put politics aside and to support President Mahama’s better Ghana agenda to the fullest.

May God Bless our Homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong…………..

By: John Appiah

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