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Opinions of Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Columnist: Kennedy Osei-Tutu

Towards Nkrumahists hegemony and unipolarism in Ghana?

Dr Kwame Nkrumah Dr Kwame Nkrumah

Nkrumahists forces have captured the Ghanaian state machinery operating behind the scenes as the mother government of all elected governments in the country. Our current constitution was framed exclusively by members of the Nkrumahists fraternity. The old government security forces notably the National Security Agency were disbanded after Nkrumahists orchestrated the 1979 Military Revolution and new ones formed.

The two main parties in Ghana namely the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) formed by followers of the Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia political tradition have been partially captured by them whiles the National Democratic Congress (NDC) formed mainly by Rawlings followers and some Nkrumahists as well have also been fully captured by the Nkrumahist forces.

This is a worrying state of political affairs in Ghanaian governance since is a form of a secret formation of unigov (united government) by the Nkrumahists. Of particular concern to me is that of NPP. Since they have already captured the NDC of which they are stakeholders, there is no point discussing it further as Nkrumahist patron President Atta Mills presidency of Ghana and leadership of the NDC conspicuously demonstrated in this country with making his sole agenda of becoming president to project Nkrumah above all the nationalist leaders and institute him as the founder of this country as if before Nkrumah the society later to be called Ghana never existed.

By the act of Nkrumahists to capture and control the NPP means the Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia followers have lost their political representation on the Ghanaian political scene. Maybe, followers of this political tradition, political analysts, commentators and observers might be suffering from political myopia to recognize this latent phenomenon.

As such with this article, I hope to open their eyes which are the lights of their bodies to this fact. I am particularly disturbed since my calls to the government of this NPP for help in view of my intense torture and constant threats to my life in the hands of principally Nkrumahists forces which it has lasted over a decade now have yielded no fruit.

The Nkrumahists forces have taken me as their Prisoner of War (PoW) in their war against my maternal grandfather and his Mansen people for leading the anti-Nkrumah crusade during pre and post-independence Ghana. They settle on me because I am my grandfather’s chosen one in fulfilling his wishes and plans for the Dormaa Kingdom and Ghana as a country. Although I am not a card-bearing member of the NPP, I have inclinations to the party as I come from a family that is a key stakeholder in the party.

With this point well established which I will still dilate on in the latter part of this article, I believe I have cemented the grounds for being a good wisher of the NPP and will want to see it break the eight for the first time in Ghana’s political history. However, this can become a reality if the Nkrumah’s political control of the party is reversed.

Upon formation of the NPP, it represented the true Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia political tradition during the time Prof. Adu Boahene was the flagbearer of the NPP for the 1992 elections at a time Ghana has just returned to democracy. Prof. Adu Boahene won the general elections but the Nkrumahists of the PNDC military government under the facial leadership of Rawlings realizing he is a strong anti-Nkrumahists and hard-core follower of the Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia political tradition like myself wrecked the elections for Rawlings (their chief stooge of all time).

After succeeding to neutralize Adu Boahene, they proceeded to penetrate the party and control affairs in it using varied undercover or covert strategies which the Nkrumahists excel in. This penetration began with working to make Prof. Adu Boahene lose the 1996 flagbearership to a candidate they consider more accommodating to Nkrumah in NPP and they settled on Kwame Piani, a renowned economist. Kwame Piani became their man to lead NPP because he attended Nkrumah’s school of Achimota College and as such as an alumni member would not speak evil of the other.

And of course, this their line of reasoning is very true as members of the Nkrumahists fraternity mainly attended Achimota College whiles those of the Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia fraternity also attended the prestigious all-male Presbyterian mission school called Presec-Legon (my alma mater and also alma mater of J. B. Danquah’s grandson that they killed by name J. B. Danquah Adu Jnr) and the prestigious all-male Presbyterian and Methodist mission Ashanti school in Kumasi call Prempeh College (brother school of Presec-Legon).

Nkrumahists and their National Security Agency candidate of Kwame Piani were internally disqualified to contest based on certain legal matters and he hand-picked his best friend in the person of President Kufuor and asked his supporters in NPP to vote for him. This is what made, back then, the relatively unknown Kufuor defeat Prof. Adu Boahene. A so-called “Great Alliance” party was formed by NPP and an Nkrumahists Party with President Kufuor as the flagbearer and Nkrumahists patron by name Ekow Ackaah who served as Vice President under Rawlings as Kufuor’s Vice.

This party contested the 1996 elections. According to President Kufuor (back then candidate Kufuor), as I heard him on GBC radio and TV at a time I was in my teens, the alliance is “Great” since it is a miracle for Nkrumahists forces to unite with Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia forces. These are the two dominant opposing political ideologies and powers in Ghana in a form of a multipolar political system.

The Nkrumahists plan capture of the NPP of the Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia political tradition also targeted using Journalists and media houses in consonance with Nkrumahists' ideological beliefs of the brainwashing orientation of the citizenry towards accomplishing their parochial political agenda. A popular Journalist and an Nkrumahist patron by name Kweku Baako Jnr was to offer support to the NPP via newspaper editing, national radio and TV using privileged classified documents and information provided by the Nkrumahists Ghana’s national security agency or intelligence agency called the Bureau of National Investigation (BNI).

And he did that perfectly (like the father also did for Nkrumah as editor of a newspaper before getting a ministerial appointment) making him gain great influence in the NPP and adored by many of the party followers. What a smart communist Nkrumahists tactic. In Parliament, another Nkrumahist patron by name Freddie Blay of the CPP offered support to the NPP in Parliament. He recently became the national chairman of the NPP. Wow! An Nkrumahist patron becoming the leader of the Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia political tradition. Wonders truly will never end!

The decision to choose Bawumia to become Vice of President Akufo-Addo was President Kufour’s idea. Now Bawumia, the son of an Nkrumahist patron who was chairman of council of state under Rawlings's civilian rule had already secured appointment by Kufuor as deputy governor of the Bank of Ghana. Anyway, Bawumia as the current Vice President of Ghana under NPP is a form of homecoming since the father actually was a founding member of UP but crossed carpet to Nkrumah’s CPP and later Rawlings NDC.

For President Akufo-Addo, the Nkrumahists through the National Security called BNI fought against him and swore never to allow him to become President of Ghana since he belonged to the hardcore Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia followers and was intolerant of Nkrumahists.

But later President Akufo-Addo's friendship with Rawlings who was converted to Nkrumahism like they attempted to do with me, was interpreted by the Nkrumahists' secret fraternal society as now becoming their ally and stop secretly sabotaging him paving the way for his eventual election as President in 2016.

The trend has gone on and using government security forces led by their BNI had made sure anyone wanting to become NPP flagbearer and vice must align with Nkrumahists otherwise they will sabotage your efforts. This explains why the current race to lead the NPP after President Akufo-Addo’s tenure is dominated by people that are allies of the Nkrumahists fraternity.

Ghana National Security Agency is only projecting those that align with Nkrumah and are those that are considered in the media as front liners while all those hardcore Kwesi Ansu-Danquah-Busia followers like Prof. Mike Ocquaye, Afriyie Osei-Akoto, Addai Nimo etc are marginalized.

Now let me amplify why I am inclined to NPP and wish it well. My maternal grandfather by name Nana Kwesi Ansu who was the former Mansenhene (Chief of Mansen people) of Wamfie and Krontihene (Second-In-Command) of Dormaa Kingdom contributed immensely to the political tradition of NPP. My maternal grandfather began the famous “MATEMEHO” (I have broken away) Campaign in 1952 against Kwame Nkrumah and his party, the Convention Peoples Party (CPP).

Kwame Nkrumah had befriended my grandfather and gotten the financial assistance and backing of traditional rulers in his political career of setting up his party, the CPP of which he won his first-ever election in 1952.

Nkrumah upon assuming political power displayed poor leadership and governance skills by being nonchalant in settling a dispute that emerged between my grandfather and his kid cousin the then King of Dormaa whom my grandfather chose over others by the name Nana Osagyefo Agyeman Badu I a.k.a. Nkrumah’s Vice President.

This leadership incompetence is what made my grandfather unfriend Nkrumah and break away from CPP. Nkrumah in his usual anti-human style physically assaulted my grandfather at his palace in the company of government security forces, destooled him, imprison him, made him subject of ridicule in Ghana’s first parliament and persecuted him until Nkrumah’s regime was overthrown in 1966.

A party known as National Liberation Movement (NLM) was later formed by the chief Linguist of Nana Otumfuor Sir Agyeman Prempeh II the then King of Ashanti. The name of this Chief Linguist is Nana Baffuor Osei-Akoto (father of Ghana’s immediate past Minister of Agriculture and best friend of President Akuffo-Addo by name Afriyie Osei-Akoto who is a contender to become flagbearer of the NPP).

Nana Baffuor Osei-Akoto persuaded my grandfather to join his party and pursue his “Matemeho” Campaign within that political context. J. B. Danquah who is the true founder of Ghana and K.A. Busia (later to become Ghana’s Prime Minister under the second republic and of whom President Kufuor of NPP served as the youngest minister in his government) later also joined the party.

Ghana’s first political party formed by J. B. Danquah of which Nkrumah used to be employed to work on a full-time basis as General Secretary had collapsed after losing the 1952 elections to Nkrumah’s newly formed CPP (a party formed in 1949).

Nkrumah’s attempts to collapse NLM on the basis that it is a tribal party of Ashanti Chiefs and people made my grandfather introduce the idea for the NLM to unite with Northern Peoples Party (NPP) of Dombo and Bawumia (father of Ghana’s current vice president who later joined Nkrumah’s CPP) which was also viewed as the party of northerners to form the popular party called United Party (UP).

My grandfather operated behind the scenes allowing Danquah and more of Busia to dominate the scene and become the face of the party. This UP is the mother political party that the NPP emanates from.

A key figure of the NLM and UP was Victor Owusu a.k.a. Ghana’s near President who was a former flagbearer and opposition leader in Ghana’s third republic. He was one of the best lawyers in the country at that time and hence became my grandfather’s personal lawyer taking my grandfather’s case with the cousin to the Supreme Court.

The closeness of Victor Owusu like Busia also with my grandfather made my grandfather establish a base in Victor Owusu’s hometown of Ashanti-Agona and arrange ties with the royal family there of which my father by name GODWIN Kwame Osei-Tutu (who was killed in the year 2000 at a young age of 43 when I was in the first year and first semester of my undergraduate university of Ghana, Legon.

He was killed by these same Nkrumahist forces although he aligns with Nkrumahists and was present in a form of a baby at the back of the mother during Nkrumah’s declaration of independence. The Nkrumahists could not see beyond his Ashanti tribe and his father’s NLM and UP roots).

My father’s father by name Nana Kwame Osei-Tutu who was a former registrar of stool lands at Ashanti-Agona and former classmate of President Kufuor at the prestigious all-male Presbyterian and Methodist mission Ashanti boys school called Prempeh College in Kumasi had his father coming from the Ashanti royal family of Manhyia and mother by name Nana Adjoa Fordjour being the former queenmother of Ashanti-Agona.

This, my paternal grandfather, was also an ardent member of NLM and UP and a good friend of my maternal grandfather. Victor Owusu is actually the godfather of the ruling NPP.