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Opinions of Saturday, 9 June 2012

Columnist: Tuttor, Edward

Tribal Clashes In Ghana Must Stop Now - We Are One People.


The ever vibrant student movement in Mensah Sarbah Hall deeply regrets the unwarranted propagation of conflicts in the country. Our Nation Ghana which represents a beacon of unity on the African Continent cannot be swimming in needless and uncalled-for conflicts. The impasse which occurred on Sunday, 3rd June 2012 between the Bimbobas and the Konkombas has necessitated the need for innocent students to flee for their lives in the midst of gunshots and other weapons. This unhealthy rivalry culminated in the closure of the Nankpanduri Senior High School in the Northern Region which is a threat to meaningful education.

There has also been a conflict in the Upper West Region which has led to the destruction of lives and properties. Just yesterday, the skirmish between the Fantes and the Ewes in Ekumfi Narkwa in the Central Region which has led to the death of three people which undoubtedly is a signal of pandemonium in the near future if these minor conflicts are not resolved amicably.

Mensah Sarbah JCR with all vehemence condemns these tribal wars. We are also of the opinion that it’s about time we Ghanaians stopped making a travesty of ourselves and refrain from engaging in activities that will propagate the vicious cycle of poverty in the Nation. We students from Mensah Sarbah Hall would like to register our displeasure of the Traditional Leadership of the Bimbobas and Konkombas for their failure to bring their blood demanding impasse to an end. It’s immeasurably astounding when the Chiefs of both sides blatantly lie to the world that they are not in conflict when actually four lives have been lost. Do they want hundreds of lives to be lost before they acknowledge they are in conflict?

We all are mindfully aware of the sluggish development disposition of the three Northern regions and other deprived areas of the country. Popular amongst these challenges are Education, Health and better conditions of life which the rural majority are alienated from. Per how far we have come as a Nation this is the time to be united in purpose to pursue National development and not to kill one another. In the words of Martin Luther King Jnr. “we should live together as brothers or die together as fools”.
The consciousness of Ghanaians must be elevated that we Ghanaians can’t continue to swim against the tides of a fast growing world. We are not a collection of ethnic groups but we are a collection of Ghanaians with one history, hope and purpose.
We Students of Mensah Hall, University of Ghana therefore call on:
The leadership of the National House of chiefs to sensitize all Traditional Heads on the need for peace, tranquility and development in the Nation.
The Ghana Police service to be alert and astute as possible. We are nearing the polls and we appeal to them to do anything possible to maintain law and order nationwide.
Finally we call on all Ghanaians to be mindful of the fact that Ghana is the only nation that we have and as we near the Election 2012 no individual or group should trade his conscience for money which will run the Nation in mayhem and bedlam.
Thank you very much.

Signed: Edward Tuttor
Mob: 0243 40 28 14. Email - [email protected].