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Opinions of Sunday, 29 September 2013

Columnist: Ankah, Desire Kwaku

Tribute to Prof Kofi Awoonor

This Earth, My Brother!
The gong -gong is beating.
The town crier’s voice is looming through the early morning skies
Summoning the folks of the Anlo-dukor to the dutofo (town center).
The talking drums are sounding!
Sounding dirges of a fallen warrior, a fallen hero!
What could it be? What could have gone amiss?
Can someone tell me?
Can a spider whisper into my ears?
What could have gone amiss?
This Earth, My Brother!
A tree has fallen!
The Tree has fallen.
The Tree that the Anloa-dukor leaned on has fallen!
The ants have fallen the Tree we lean on!
The only tree we have, that survived ahomu ya wo (hurricanes)
Has been fallen by an ant
This Earth, My Brother!
Somebody, come to my aid
Somebody help me
How could this be?
Why should it be?
Could it be fate (dzorgbese)?
Could this be my fate?
Oh! This Earth, My Brother!
Dzorgbese, why has thou treated me so?
Why has thou treated me thus?
Indeed, Dzorgbese Lisa has treated me thus!
It has led me among the sharps of the forest
Returning is not possible (for me)
And going forward is with great difficulty
The affairs of this world are like the chameleon faeces
Into which I have stepped
when I clean it cannot go
I am at the world’s extreme corner
Those who are lucky sit in the middle and forget
I am at the world’s extreme corner
I can only go beyond and forget!
Rest in Peace, Papa Kofi Awoonor!
Fondly Remembered by
Desire Kwaku Ankah