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Opinions of Sunday, 6 October 2013

Columnist: Addo, Peter E Adotey

Tribute to founders of Ghana

Kwame Nkrumah 1909-2009

A TRIBUTE First Published in 2009.

By Rev. Peter Eric Adotey Addo

Why do his words and deeds affect our imaginations and hopes for the future?

Is it because he seems larger than life?

Is it because we do not know how our words and deeds will affect others?

Now he speaks to us behind the final curtain of death,

An imperfect mortal among imperfect us,

Hopeful to some and inspiring to others.

But always with his own agenda,

Something altogether unlike hope.

His death along with his legacy gave birth to new optimism.

The extent to which his status determined his vision,

And now defines our public and personal debates.

He is the proverbial elephant in the national room

Now challenging us to look and define ourselves and our future.

He belongs to the ages now;

Challenging us to look and define ourselves and the future.

When this tribute is read one hundred from now,

Let it be my insightful description of him that is remembered.

A Man of passion he definitely was,

But at the same time he was a Renaissance man.

Doing whatever he did in his own way,

And so amazingly well.

He articulated words of wisdom and his moved the nation

Towards freedom and independence.

From the Northern Grasslands to the rich tropical forests of the South,

To the coastal plains of the Nation,

One Nation was the dream.

One united nation of different tribes, diverse languages, and different

He fervently and anxiously called us together,

To Honor and Duty to a new nation,

To be Brave and Honest.

We did accept his challenge with great hope and dreams for the future.

And should we be granted the opportunity to meet again,

We will have a lot to explain.

What have we done with his legacy,

The great legacy he left behind?

Lovingly Dedicated to This Generation

And Generations Yet To Come.

All Rights reserved.

Rev Peter E Adotey Addo
P O Box 13356,Greensboro NC 27415
336 375 5761 Fax 336 375 0068 Website: