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Opinions of Thursday, 1 March 2012

Columnist: Ama Kojo

Tribute to the Late Colonel Leba-Kamanya

The sage will always be right for they are blessed with wisdom, intellect, intelligence, knowledge, experiences and maturity which they apply appropriately to situations. On the contrary, opportunists, liars, hypocrites, greedy bastards, fraudsters, hardened cynics and ethnocentric persons will eventually be exposed, suffer humiliation and receive their rewards either on earth or in hell after death.
It is very uncharacteristic of Ghanaians, and most Africans, to talk evil about the dead but in some instances, one may not be able to resist the temptation to give the real side of such opportunists.
We regret to inform our readers that Colonel Patrick Leba-Kamanya, a relative of the hot head boy in mind and at heart though advanced in age heading Ghana’s National Security died at the 37 Military Hospital on Sunday 22nd January 2012, just two weeks after the 3rd anniversary of President Mills’ coronation as Ghana’s President -by default.
It is pertinent to mention the role that then Lieutenant Colonel Leba-Kamanya (GH/2236) played in the 2008 general elections to ensure that the NDC and President Mills won the Presidential and Parliamentary elections. As an officer at the Army Combat Training School (ACTS), which had become the hub of the NDC activities in the Ghana Armed Forces, he had enough time to organize, liaise and coordinate the activities of the retired and serving Ewe Officers and other non-Ewe NDC Officers. With the boy in mind and at heart though advanced in age as his main anchor, General SA Odotei as his protégé, a shame to the Fantis and a seasoned opportunist who once contested a parliamentary election on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party and other persons who can be best described as useful idiots as his conspirators.
He culminated a good pre-election propaganda activity with the infamous question that he asked then Commander In-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces, President Kufuor, at the Burma Hall in September 2008 as to whether or not the President would hand over power to the NDC if the NPP were defeated in that year’s elections. But to his utmost surprise, Kufuor answered by giving him all the assurances that indeed he would hand over to the then NDC opposition if the NPP lost the elections.
NPP lost the 2008 elections and as a sincere, honest, and patriotic Ghanaian, Kufuor handed over power peacefully to President JEA Mills on 7th January 2009.
Then Lieutenant Colonel Leba-Kamanya was overwhelmed with joy. As a member of the NDC Kitchen-Cabinet in the Ghana Armed Forces and with direct access to that boy who is best at showing off his muscles, he and his cronies were the main advisers and decision makers in the Ghana Armed Forces. Then Lieutenant Colonel Leba-Kamanya was very influential in the appointments of the Chief of Defence Staff, the Service Commanders, the Commandants of the three Formation Training Schools, Commanding Officers of Units and Bases, especially the Army Units, Defence Advisers and Attaches and many other strategic and tactical appointment in the Ghana Armed Forces. Of course, he was not a fool and therefore got himself appointed as the Security Coordinator at the Kotoka International Airport and later got promoted to rank of Colonel.
Having gained notoriety for asking “Presidential Questions”, then Lieutenant Colonel Leba-Kamanya was at his hypocritical best when during the maiden visit of JEA Mills, he asked the President to revoke the order by the NPP administration that restrained an idiot -now in government and at the Presidency and his cohorts from entering military installations, units or locations.
President Mills also thanked his colleague hypocritical Lieutenant Colonel Leba-Kamanya and said he would give a directive for the revocation of the order knowing very well and conscious of the fact President Kufuor had earlier on given a directive to that effect and it had been published by the media and the Security Services.
While performing his duties at the Airport as security Coordinator, Colonel Leba-Kamanya had been given a two year study leave to undertake a post-graduate course at the University of Ghana, all as part of NDC war booty distribution. Sadly, however he could not live to see the one term mandate of President JEA Mills, who is condoning “gargantuan crimes” and is arrogantly allowing Mr. Alfred Agbesi Woyome to be presiding over the election of NDC Parliamentary Candidates in the Volta and Greater Accra Regions.
Colonel Leba-Kamanya, in spite of the power, authority, comfort and support he had from the NDC, the Castle, the blue-gate, the square and the military High Command could not over power death and joined the likes of Generals Owusu Ansah, Bruce and Quist not forgetting Group Captain Lawson, all NDC officers of blessed memory.
Our sources in Burma Camp indicated to us that Colonel Leba-Kamanya was feverishly preparing for the next visit of John Mills after the Defence Minister’s infamous durbar at Burma Hall at which the Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffour, was present and General Smith had intimated that the President would be meeting the troops on his return from the jolly cum medical ride to USA to seek their support for the 2012 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.
Even though at the time Colonel Leba-Kamanya was making that promise to himself he knew very well that he had emaciated, had become fragile and seriously ill having been in and out of the 37 Military Hospital on admission, because of his faith in the NDC and his mentor, Lieutenant Colonel Gbevlo Lartey, he thought that God was either Betty Mould or Kwabena Duffour to ‘wayomise’ his death for 92 years. Indeed, the evil that men do lives after them.
Colonel Leba-Kamanya and his alcoholic fraternity had been drinking alcohol incessantly in unreasonably unacceptable volumes and quantities against the advice of very good friends and die-hard muslim-friends such as Colonel A Issahaku (GH/2227). Colonel A Issahaku and the late Colonel Leba-Kamanya were young officers in the Base Workshop of the Ghana Armed Forces.
As a true muslim and religious person of sober reflection, proper parentage and upbringing, Colonel A Issahaku kept advising Colonel Leba-Kamanya and two others, who all graduated from the Ghana Military Academy, to stop the excessive drinking but to no avail. Credible information available to us indicates that the “three musketeers” have all died thereby vindicating Colonel A Issahaku.
When Colonel Leba-Kamanya lost two of the musketeers, he joined a new group dominated by Ewe Apio (Akpeteshie) officers. These Apio drinking officers have distinguished themselves very well locally and internationally-on peace support operations in Liberia, Lebanon, Rwanda, Cambodia and Sierra-Leone in alcoholism and are prominent members of the drug addiction, wee-smoking and apio syndicate. Some members of this group disgraced themselves internationally where they had to be stripped off their original appointments for their juniors to take over to save mother Ghana from humiliation.
Luckily for Colonel Leba-Kamanya, his syndicate members are at very strategic positions at the Army Headquarters, General Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (the Square), various units in the Accra Garrison and are therefore seriously preparing for his burial and funeral services using Armed Forces and national resources.
Observers and concerned officers and men in Burma Camp conducting surveillance on the Burma Villas accommodation of the late Colonel Leba-Kamanya are worried over the amount of Armed Forces and national resources that are being “invested” in the funeral arrangements. Our scouts spotted food items such as rice, maize, sugar, milk, cooking oil, fish and drinks of all sorts being off-loaded from the Castle, National Security and Military Vehicles into the house of the late Colonel Leba-Kamanya.
NDC officials, Ewes from Ghana, Togo and Benin are making “pilgrimage” to Colonel Leba-Kamanya’s house. An elaborate time-table has been drawn for Nyebro officers and men and NDC “big-shots” to visit the family of the late from time to time during working and non-working hours.
Our sources confirm that some Colonels are now working for the family of the late and hardly go to their officers. They are doing everything to ensure that their buddy has a befitting burial and funeral service and also his family receives a very handsome, wayomised gargantuan, rehabilitation, resettlement and death benefits. Seized vehicles and state vehicles at the disposal of the Castle and the blue-gate have been made available to the family and friends of the late Colonel Leba-Kamanya for the funeral and other related matters.
Our scouts stumbled on other pieces of information that indicated that the late Colonel Leba-Kamanya was one of the major beneficiaries of auctioned Vehicles in the Ghana Armed Forces. Our team of investigators saw various auctioned vehicles of the Armed Forces (Toyota Landcruiser, buses etc) at his Burma Villas compound. The team was also informed about several vehicles that Colonel Leba-Kamanya had allocated to him by auction which had been parked at various garages in Accra- Labadi, Kokomlemle and Madina.
Our team learnt that during his tenure of office as the Commanding Officer of Base Workshop in Burma Camp during the regime of President Kufuor. The late Colonel Leba-Kamanya was very ungrateful to President Kufuor who promoted him Lieutenant Colonel on 25th March 2003 and appointed him the Commanding officer.
Born with hatred for Akans, baptized with anger against the NPP and confirmed with honors for joining his partners in crime namely Naval Commodore Sowah, Colonel EL Lawson (ADC to Mills), Colonel SB Alloh, Colonel SK Adeti, Colonel RS Nyaka, Colonel AK Adokpa, Colonel COA Nutakor, Colonel AK Boimah, Colonel Y Dzotefe-Mensah, Colonel SK Assem, Colonel CK Agbeka, Group Captain Dzokoto, Colonel AK Dzisi and several Nyebro officers to deny the NPP victory in the 2008 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.
Within the “Nyebro fraternity” of solidarity for Colonel Leba-Kamanya (known as Leba-K) there are four prominent ones at the General Headquarters and one at the Army Headquarters who feature prominently in a “dreadful data base” kept at three major levels including the Army Headquarters and the General Headquarters where fortunately for them the head of one of the Departments is also an “Associate Member”.
The wise saying that coming events cast their own shadows is very apt for this situation. Time will tell and all the evil that Leba-K and his associates did before, during and after the 2008 elections would show.
All the monies collected by Colonel EL Lawson for Professor Mills’ campaign in 2008 from officers and men (serving and retired) with the assistance, planning and organizational abilities of Leba-K are of common knowledge. Now that some of the contributors have become disillusioned, disappointed and frustrated with the divide and role and discriminatory tactics of the NDC and are prepared to go all out against the party in 2012.
Suddenly, some of the officers following the NDC and who contributed cedis and dollars through the treasurer, Colonel EL Lawson, have seen the ill-treatment that they are receiving because they are non-Ewes. Some of these disgruntled and disappointed officers who are disciples of ‘input output’ analysis (no contribution no chop) have Ewe wives just as Colonel Lawson or had issues with Ewe women just as Lieutenant Colonel Tanye Kulono have been marginalized or preference has been given to their Ewe Colleagues to their detriment. Some of them have openly shown their anger and frustration while others are nursing their sores in their homes regretting seriously their ‘investments’ in the party as they are not benefitting from it –no returns on investments.
Our investigations in Burma Camp indicate that some of these officers and men have refused to be attending the NDC Burma Camp Caucus meetings. In spite of the fact that politics are not to be done in military installations, locations and facilities, our investigators can confirm authoritatively that these periodic meetings are place every now and then with impunity .
NDC officers and men are preventing those with NPP sympathizes from identifying with the party let alone holding meetings and strategizing. What is an aberration for the NDC must be the same for the NPP. But that is not to be in President Mills’ administration. The NPP is under persecution but remember that the evil men do lives after them.
NB: A death in the family leaves a void that cannot be filled. No one can ever take the place of this individual in the world. We should not try to comfort the family by saying that "it was his time anyway", or, "she was suffering". These may be words of comfort later. However, there must be time to mourn the fact that things will never be the same. One minute he was here and now he is gone. The human mind must be allowed to sit with this reality. Mourning is a necessary part of the human experience. If it is ignored, a general feeling of sadness may pervade the whole family.
Though I will never forget the day you threatened me when I called you, GOD REIGNS and rest in peace.
[email protected]