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Opinions of Friday, 1 September 2017

Columnist: Godfried Konglo

Truth and honesty, the rule for the transformation of Ghana (Part 2)

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"We all know what it means to be honest. Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth speaking, truth living and truth loving." - James E. Faust

When the economy of a nation is founded upon the principles of truth and honesty, it results in economic stability. Thousands of public officers in Ghana act against their conscience on daily basis to divert funds meant to undertake public project for their private purposes.

What about our hospitals? where the money that is meant for patient's medications and equipments end up landing in foreign bank accounts or are used to build private clinics belonging the medical officers?

How many Ghanaians do you think have alibi when they give bribe to the policemen at the countless check points all over Ghana?

How many people do you think claim they have alibi when funds meant for road constructions are diverted into personal use and gains? How many universities could have been built, if not for people who think they have an excuse? Our university students pay huge sums of money to private hostel owners despite the fact that the parents of these students are poor all because funds meant to build Halls of residence for the University has been squandered by officials.

I mean, these are acts of dishonesty which destabilizes the economy, dishonesty has eaten deep into the fabrics of our beloved country, it has almost become our culture. We cannot continue this way and be expecting economic regeneration, absolutely impossible!

This is a vivid picture of the role of truth and honesty in national transformation. When truth and honesty is absent in Ghana, it relates not only just to the politicians.

"Three things to love - Honesty, Purity and Truth." - unknown

To be continued... ????????God bless our Homeland Ghana???????? LIFE IS PREDICTABLE