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Opinions of Monday, 22 October 2018

Columnist: Abubakar Saddique Ahmed

Turning the tragedy of Africa into prosperity; The role of good leadership

Good leadership will help bring Africa into prosperity Good leadership will help bring Africa into prosperity

Africa in my mind is a rich continent. Undoubtedly, Africa has the wealthiest deposits of natural resources in the world , yet it is seen as one of the most poorest. Then , as young boy growing up in a village called Ejura in Ghana , lots of questions keep coming in my mind as to WHY this is the case . I have consistently and patiently asked people whom I across.

From my lecturers at the University,colleagues both in school and at home , young men and women , persons with disability and a whole to mention answers that I get has always been about BAD LEADERSHIP .

Now , at this juncture, I know you will be wondering what kind of people God has brought to lead the people of Africa. I also know for sure that , you will be wondering why everyone talks about BAD LEADERSHIP,not so ? Well, it is mind boggling not to think about this . The bigger question therefore to ask is WHY AFRICA?

A country i would like to use as an example is the Democratic Republic of Congo to juxtapose the wealth of Africa. Congo is a massive country, the size of Europe. Limitless water, from the worlds 2nd largest river , the Congo , a benign climate and rich soil makes it fertile , beneath the soil is abundant deposits of Copper, Gold , Diamonds,Cobalt and oil are just one of the minerals that should make it one of the richest country. Instead, it is the most hopeless due to BAD LEADERSHIP.

Patrice Lumumba of blessed decided to bring light to the Congo people but he was horrifically beaten and executed by western backed rebels. A military strong man ,Joseph-Desire Mobutu took over and became a tyrant.

He change his name in 1972 to Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku Ngbendu waza banga meaning ? the all powerful warrior who ,because of his endurance and inflexible will to win ,goes from conquest to conquest , leaving fire in his wake ? . His family and friends bleed the country of billions of dollars and a whole lot.

In 2009 , It is estimated that , Congo has about $24trillion of untapped mineral deposits,including the worlds largest reserves of Coltan and significant quantities of words cobalt. So, as you can see , if Congo alone could provide GOOD LEADERSHIP, the rippling effect on the continent of Africa would be enormous.

We can also talk about Nigeria with its wealth in Oil and larger population , BAD LEADERSHIP has crippled its prosperity .

Bad roads, poor quality of education and health, inequality,unemployment , poor governance all are what GOOD LEADERSHIP from African leaders can help change . Warren Benin once said that , leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality . If African leaders can translate their visions into reality , the continent,Africa would be an enviable place in the world .

In my humble view, providing GOOD LEADERSHIP to the African people means :

Providing good governance (Cutting dome excesses, spending wisely on projects , Fighting corruption etc )

Providing citizens with Good Quality Education and Health care
Investing in Agriculture

Manufacturing what we produce and consuming what we manufacture
Adding value to our raw materials in-terms

Investing in the youngest Human Resources that we have which we can use to turn The fortunes of our continent

Providing life long portable drinking water

Enhancing sanitation and the protection of our environment etc ....

Having a United States of Africa where there?s a common currency with a common African market where trading of goods and services can take place

As we can talk about Theodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, president of Equitorial Guniea, Jose Eduardo Dos Santos -president of Angola and the rest of the other bad leaders, let us also have the hope in the many upcoming African leaders who are giving hope to their people including Paul kagame of Rwanda, John Magafuli of Tanzania among others through GOOD LEADERSHIP!

I know it is not too late for African leaders to provide GOOD LEADERSHIP for the PROSPERITY OF AFRICA. I , Abubakar Saddique , believe there is still a possibility for the PROSPERITY OF AFRICA through GOOD LEADERSHIP!

Long Live Africa!