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Opinions of Sunday, 16 March 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Tweeaaa, His Majesty the King "Odisika Kalabuleman" Cannot be……


The judge of his own case in Court says "Nana Me nnpe meho Asem". Is there any undercurrent disagreement between His Majesty the King, "Odisika Kalabuleman" and some of his "Kasepreko" chiefs? His views are in constant contestation by the seeming altruist, "Nana Me nnpe meho Asem"


When I pronounce judgment and any aggrieved person or party takes it to Court, for not being satisfied with the verdict, mind you, the Court shall refer it back to me. This is in accordance with the Chieftaincy Act. When it does come back to me, I shall uphold my earlier judgment, regardless. I have heard that some people have already instituted the process of placing Court Injunction on the verdict I shall declare, says His Majesty the King, "Odisika Kalabuleman"


He uttered the above statement in a crafty attempt to cow the apparently poor, but the true royals of "Animiakrom". He had secretly entered into a pact with his alleged girlfriend, the First Lady of "Animiakrom", to tilt the scale of justice in her favour in payment of bribe and thousands of hectares of "Animiakrom" stool lands to him. He had prejudged the outcome of the "Animiakrom" chieftaincy dispute in connivance with the First Lady, "Nana Adufrupe the sunken eyes", "Odiawuo Akyempenhene" and others. All the public sittings were just formalities to throw dust into the eyes of the watching public.


Now that His Majesty the King has been served with a notice of Court Order for being a probable accomplice, let me put it that way, his vaingloriously declared powers to preside over "Animiakrom" case as the sole adjudicator has been removed. He cannot be the judge of his own case in Court as asserted by "Nana Me nnpe meho Asem", the likely pain in his backside or a thorn in his flesh. He cannot participate in a football game as a footballer, playing for one side of the teams whilst still being an umpire. What a long slap of the arm of the law in his face, says an observer from "Kasapreko".


Faced with the reality, the uselessness of his empty boasting exposed, his nose has started itching and twitching irritably. My late father used to say, "When the wild boar is about to encounter danger, it begins to itch in the nose". His Majesty the King and his panel of dishonest chiefs that sat on the "Animiakrom" case have become restless since being served with a Court notice. They are panicking. They are trembling from head to toe far worse than the branches and leaves of trees come under the blowing intense wind of the harmattan.


I am highly peeved at the attitude of His Majesty the King that is rooted in stubbornness and pure obstinacy. However, "Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill", says "Nana Me nnpe meho Asem". I am far older than any of the chiefs on the Council. I know the history of "Kaseproko" better than any of them, yet, they always want to have their own way without listening to good counsel.


"Nana Adufrupe the sunken eyes" and "Odiawuo Akyempenhene" are always either consciously or otherwise, goading His Majesty to commit legal faux pas or are always supportive of him when he encapsulates in his bizarre idiosyncrasies. On the day that he said, "The true royals of Animiakrom are poor. They have not wherewithal to challenge any intentionally unfavourable verdict to be made against them, these two lieutenants clapped their hands for him, says "Nana Me nnpe meho Asem"


Now, the panicking His Majesty the King has been thrown into trance. He is hearing exactly what he said sometime ago, as if it is occurring live now. "I shall exercise my craftiness on the true royals. I shall make them believe they will emerge victorious. They will fall for my pretences since they know too well that they are the true royals and descendants of the originator of the stool. In the end, I will shock them, shaking the very foundation of their human fabrics, by deciding differently. It will be too late for them to react in any purposeful way that may change the course of my real intention. I shall even attempt to alter the chieftaincy history of "Animiakrom". I will by the help of my colluding lieutenants either join the two families together or seek to make the rather illegitimates the true royals"


A conman must always know how to play their cards to succeed. He must be clever to avoid initial bruises which are, always painful. This is exactly what His Majesty the King, "Odisika Kalabuleman" has done.


After the blunder that has drained his strength, eroded his elephant or rhino tough skin and drenched him in shame, His Majesty the King retreats into his inner chamber. He goes on his knees and makes supplication to God. Please Father God, forgive me my sins. Redeem me from further disgrace. I was only bluffing when I said to have developed tough skin against insults and public ridicule. Now, I am hurting. My skin is as light, soft and normal as that of any other human’s. I will conduct myself appropriately, eschewing all acts of indecencies including lies and fraudulent acquisition of wealth. Father, please let your will be done. Give the throne to their rightful owners. I was only stupid to allow bad company to influence my good intentions. Give me courage to stand up against temptations coming from my other chiefs, especially, from "Nana Adufrupe the sunken eyes" and "Odiawuo Akyempenhene". They are evil. Please Father; don’t let First Lady implicate me in the bribery scandal as I am yet to recuperate from the previous larger one that attracted national interest. Help me, Oh God". Amen.


Your prayers will be answered favourably provided you will not seek further attempts to circumvent the truth. I have still a bigger trap laid to ensnare any of you that will seek to lie in Court, says God.


I need to meet First Lady, members of my "Kasapreko" Council and the three sub-chiefs of "Animiakrom" publicly alleged to have accepted bribe and promises from First Lady. They have to tell the truth, accept their shortcomings and be prepared to face the consequences of their actions as men to save us from the wrath of God.


Afua Sika, Afua Sika, where are you, shouted his Majesty the King to his wife. Nana I am in the kitchen. Would you please phone up First Lady, asking her to see me first thing tomorrow morning? Yes I will.


I dedicate this publication to the late Kofi Dadzie and his living sister Nana Akua. The battle is still the Lord’s.



Rockson Adofo