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Opinions of Monday, 30 May 2022

Columnist: Emmanuella Ako – Nai

UCC Confucius Institute shaping Ghanaian talents to climb the international stage

University of Cape Coast University of Cape Coast

I grew up believing a deep-seated falsehood that, learning another language suggests that your language is inferior. But my biggest deliverance, happened at the Confucius Institute, University of Cape Coast.

One language sets you in a corridor for life but two languages open every door along the way. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning another way to think about things.

Learning the Chinese language as your second language can be a huge advantage if you are trying to be an outstanding candidate in the recruitment market. Multiple language speaking skills can make you a more attractive candidate than those who can only speak the native language. Being able to communicate in different languages at the same time is a highly valued professional skill. It means you’re fully qualified with the multi -task mission, and you’re also good at problem – solving and it’s also proven that you’re a disciplined person.

Speaking another language conveys that you are a goal – oriented, highly motivated and resourceful. The Chinese language skill is very useful when you have a business that trades internationally, the influence of China on international trade is on the rise, when you can communicate fluently and smoothly with Chinese people, then you can fully understand their thoughts and true demands. It deepens the mutual trust for each other.

Every year’s there is Chinese Cultural performance competition organized by the Confucius Institute worldwide which aims at strengthening the world’s understanding of the Chinese Language and culture.

Since its initiation in 2002, more than 600 contestants from over 50 countries throughout the world have participated in the annually-held Chinese language competitions. Amongst these countries were a few college students from Ghana, comprising of students from the Confucius Institute at the University of Cape Coast, the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

Four of these students include; Kyeremanteng Joseph, Seth Kojo Dickson, Daniel Sekyi Ansah, and Enoch Essel, qualified to represent the Confucius Institute, University of Cape Coast at the national level after receiving instruction and coaching from committed teachers at the Confucius Institute. Throughout the contest, each contestant exhibited their command of the Chinese language and culture.

At the end of the competition, Kyeremanteng Joseph and Daniel Sekyi Ansah won the second prize with points of 92 and 91.4 respectively, whilst Enoch Essel and Seth Kojo Dickson won the third prize also with points 90.4 and 89 respectively, together with their other competitors from the university of Ghana and Knust.

The Chinese language is widely spoken not only in China. Mandarin is also spoken in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, the Philippines and Mongolia. If you are travelling lover then learning the Chinese language is something you cannot miss.

Ghana has a youthful population dedicated to developing themselves in business, sports, technology and engineering. The journey to the international stage will be beautiful ride if you master another language and I recommend Chinese.