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Opinions of Sunday, 11 May 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Understanding The “Ede bii keke” Political Slogan

Oh, clever and dishonest as I am,
Foxy in my dealings with fellow Ghanaians,
With intent to winning elections on silver platter,
I decided with my team of election strategists,
Hatching a plan on how best and easier to win the election.

The experts suggested to me,
O, Mr Presidential candidate,
Being already in government,
With every election-winning machinery at your disposal,
The powerful media,
The easy to convince Electoral Commission,
And all the Security forces,
Have thee no sleepless nights,
Oh, Mr Presidential candidate,
Over how to win the elections.

To win it squarely and easily,
Like a toddler counting 1, 2, 3…
Or, a literate adult reciting the alphabet A, B, C, D..
Just relax and embark on a policy called “Ede bii keke”,
Meaning you have only come for “chop, chop”
But not to do anything great,
And look how many powerful Ghanaians,
And also lazy ones,
Who but want to earn something,
For doing absolutely nothing,
Will join your campaign wagon,
Deceive many unsuspecting Ghanaians,
Playing on their intelligence,
To trick them into voting for you.

Excellent! O ye intelligent experts,
Let us hit the campaign ground,
Buy over the media,
Bribe a few loudmouths,
Task them to disseminate falsehoods about my opponents,
While promoting me over and above other contestants,
With the aim to only winning the election,
But nothing else.

Is it therefore any wonder,
That I cannot govern properly,
Messing up the economy,
Appointing only my tribesmen into all higher positions,
Even as incompetent and clueless most of them are,
All in line with achieving my target of “Ede bii keke?”

Why should I not be flabbergasted,
Rational human being as I am,
If others accuse me of incompetence,
Corruption, tribalism and visionless?
Are they not the modes of implementing and attaining,
My “Ede bii keke” agenda?

Did I not make my policies clearer to you beforehand,
Did I not tell you free SHS is not good for you,
Did I not rubbish the credible policies of the opponent,
Did you not know that I was all the while preaching “Ede bii keke”,
And being not smart enough yourselves,
You voted for me to come and commence,
The processes of “chop, chop, chop, chop?”

Now if I am chopping with my selected few,
Leave us alone because you knew,
Before you voted me into power,
And until I have spent my eight years,
I shall keep on chopping,
You can weep the tears of crimson,
I care not and “Yen ntie obiaa”

I dedicate this article to all decent Ghanaians the world over. Please help to tweet and “Facebook “this funny but insightful poem or article.

Rockson Adofo