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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Columnist: Blege, Alex

Unknown Whispers Of Repentance And Resolutions

By Alex Blege

“I love you.”
Is this the best way to show me you love me? How else do you want me to show you? Then you just have to do what I like. What are you talking of. Do you expect me to tell you? Yes, I do. How many times do you expect me to tell you this? Okay let me know for the last time. I don’t like it when you try to record our lovemaking. Oh that? I thought the first time you were the one who suggested it. Yes, I did initially. But now I have changed my mind. “You know it is only a fool who does not change his or her mind especially in sensitive matters like this.” Oh you are being too long. There is nothing wrong with recording our lovemaking. In fact, we need to keep memories of the moans and groans. Look are you making fun of our lovemaking, after we have ridden each other. Look it is better we keep our love making in the secret chambers of our memories. If you want us to record it, then you might as well call your friends to come and have a look at you and me while we do it. Or better still let us get to the streets so that we can make a public show of ourselves.
Who will get to know if these things are recorded? No one will. Eh, in this modern time of technology where someone can just hack into other people’s phones and memory chips….
Again, anything could go wrong. we are human beings. Any of us could give our laptops to a friend or our phones to our friends and they may get into the secret parts of our gadgets and voila ….. there we are ….. as naked as new born babes who have just entered the world…. And you know how it is these days. Before we could save the situation it will not only be too late but too embarrassing for us.
We have our parentage, our dignity, aspirations and future dreams to protect. Frankly speaking we are not supposed to have sex before marriage…. Hmm, you have provoked my thought. Of late, there have been so much sex tapes.
I get your drift. Sex in itself is supposed to be secret. We can’t keep videoing ourselves like pornographic stars. Again, we have to turn over new leaves and seek counseling on how to run this relationship. You know people naturally are voyeuristic. My father has a saying,” if you make a mouse out of yourself the cat will feast on you”. The same way if we keep recording our “little sin” and technology decides to show us its other side, we will have no body but ourselves to blame.
Yes you were talking of seeking counsel and changing from our ways. Eh, do you know we have been, excuse me “unwise” while others are making use of the smart phones to do genuine business for themselves and looking out to be entrepreneurs, we are here taking nude pictures of ourselves all in the name of fun. I will suggest that we begin to seriously think of how we can use the camera phone, the digital camera, the laptop and the internet to make something for ourselves. That way w can make some money so that we will impact positively in to the lives of others.
I am glad that we have understood each other and made a resolution to impact the lives of others instead of wasting our time and youthful human energy and resources on frivolous things….
I hope those of you who have read our conversation will not catch us on tape. We did not record it on any device. It is in our heads you will have to break them before you get it. Mind you, that will be murder….
Alex Blege ; [email protected]/