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Opinions of Thursday, 28 October 2004

Columnist: Adjepong, Dennis

Unraveling the lies and Incompetence of the Minister of Information -- ? Nana Akomea?.

How can a minister of Information lie and deceive the whole Ghana population of an award that never existed to the credibility of the NPP Government? This is a big shame to the NPP government. Mention must be made of the fact that most of Ghana?s debt amounting to trillion cedis has been cancelled by their creditors in Europe and the rest of the world due to the hard work of the Finance Minister.

The incompetent Information Minister was not afraid but come out boldly on FM station to give garbage news to the general public saying the Finance Minister has been voted the best Finance Minister of Africa by the World Bank. Now the Minister of Finance has said it Public that he did not receive any award from the World Bank but rather from a newspaper date back in August 2004. And from a telephone conversation that I made personally at Washington DC to the world Bank has it quote ? We do not have any idea of naming any Minister as the Best Minister of Africa?.

I do not know who appointed him as information minister but I am calling on the Minister of Information to come out public and apologize to the People of Ghana or resign from his position or simply shut up if the minister does not know what he is doing. We are now in an information era where every bit of news and rumors can be verified. Be careful, Mr. Nana Akomea?. Ayek o o!!!.

I will urge all Ghanaian journalist to investigative any rumor, awards of international recognition (before writing it in the media) in order to help mother Ghana flourish because the incompetence of our leaders will cost us our lives and disgrace in the entire world.


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