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Opinions of Thursday, 24 April 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Until Ghanaians Walk the Talk, Just Forget It!

Many a Ghanaian is complaining unreservedly bitterly about the economic hardships they are compellingly sailing through like submissive slaves fastened with chains around their hands and legs and dumped in a rudderless ship. They keep talking hard. They keep expressing their views; venting their venomous anger on President Mahama and his perceived incompetent, but expert swindlers.


Least do these Ghanaians realise that talk is cheap but action is expensive. They do also forget about the popular maxim, "Action speaks louder than words". Until Ghanaians with myself inclusive, resort to action, our words, be they aggressive or soft, are just pure nuisance and sound empty in the ears of the callous President and his team of daring embezzlers.


It is obvious, and well established, how President Mahama does not value Ghanaians. The majority of Ghanaians, about 99% of the Ghanaian population, are suffering economically yet, the NDC government doesn’t give a hoot about their plight. The President is too embedded in the pursuit of his own fraudulent agenda to have any time to listen to the cries and complaints by the suffering masses.


The President is said to have said, "Ghanaians have a very short memory". Yes, I do agree with him a million times over. If Ghanaians by nature never had a short memory, they would not have voted for him, aided him to rig elections and still look on while he plunders the coffers of the nation, without reacting positively to stop him in his tracks.


The President with his clique of allegedly NDC illuminati is controlling and using the entire wealth of Ghana to the satisfaction of their insatiable greed, myopic persuasions and tribal aspirations. He believes in using the taxpayers’ money to pay a few people that will go on air to throw dust into people’s eyes. They will be telling Ghanaians to believe in a goat being a bull and a banger a new 4x4 vehicle just come out of the production line. So far, they have been getting away with it unscarred.


The President believes in the absoluteness of "Ehuru a ebe dwo" (it will cool down in the end). Yes, the whirlwind always settles in the end. With this philosophy of the President’s, Ghanaians are doomed. There is nothing that can change his mentality about the daylight robbery he is visiting on Ghanaians if we continued to remain only noisy. Without any assertive action to liberate ourselves from the suffocating grips of the thievery by the President, then let us just simply keep mute.


While the President is nonchalant about the welfare of the majority of Ghanaians, but keeps doing the unthinkable, enriching his cronies and family members, all that we have so far been able to do is to insult them. What have insults to do with these entities that are fully waxed in the ears and developed tough skins like those of hippos or elephants?


It is only by aggressive actions that we can make them feel it if they still don’t hear our complaints done abusively or gently. When even a gentle animal, be it one’s pet, is forced into a corner, it fights aggressively back to ensure its safety, securing itself a breathing space. Why can’t Ghanaians, rational beings of course, and far wiser than pet or wild animals?


We have been taken fools for far too long. Merchant Bank was sold under dubious conditions, Ghanaians did fuck all. Judgment debts have fraudulently been paid out in what is, "gang up, create and loot" with Alfred Agbesi Woyome having a chunk – GHC51.2 Million, yet Ghanaians have not been able to retrieve the money from the fraudsters. While Woyome walks the streets of Accra a free man, someone was three days ago sentenced to ten years jail in hard labour for stealing cassava worth GHC500 from his neighbour’s farm. What a selective justice that is in operation under the watch of President Mahama? Questionable gold is finding its way to Iran under questionable circumstances by questionable personal aircrafts yet; Ghanaians have resigned themselves to their natural weakness, thus, leniency – ("enye hwee fa ma Nyame").


Until we change our over-submissive attitudes and hold the President rigidly by the balls, squeezing them hard constantly but not intermittently, let those of us that find the country hard to live in leave and go as suggested by retired military Brigadier Nunoo Mensah.


I am done, I hope.




Rockson Adofo





