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Opinions of Friday, 6 July 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Ursula Owusu on Course to win Ablekuma South Constituency

Ursula Owusu is a renowned advocate for Women and Children's rights in Ghana. Admittedly, she has excelled in that field, chalking enviable successes to the recognition and admiration of the International world. From her track record one can convincingly conclude that she is very intelligent, selfless, and is always at the service of humanity and her country. She is determined to seek a much better platform where she can propose, vociferate and legislate for laws that can further enhance the overall well-being of not only women and children but also, the citizenries of Ghana. That platform she has in mind is to become a Member of Parliament for Ablekuma South constituency in Accra. She is therefore contesting the mentioned seat on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) with the current NDC Foreign Minister Honourable Fritz Baffour on December 7, 2012.

After retreating indoors, shutting the door behind me and cogitating about the person Ursula, my sub-conscious mind revealed to me that Ursula Owusu embodies the characters of three distinctive personalities in her body. From empirical observation, she is comparable to St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Thomas Aquinas said, “I would like to be of service to my people” and throughout his life as history holds it, he committed himself to the course of serving humanity. Ursula has been doing exactly as he did. We can also attest to the fact that contesting a sitting MP who doubles as a Foreign Minister will not be an easy battle. Nevertheless, it was revealed to me that as the tiny Jewish David was able to face and kill the Philistine Goliath to the bewilderment of all the spectators around, so will Ursula prevail over Fritz Baffour. As David was simply armed with a sling to take down Goliath, so will Ursula armed with good message from the NPP camp bring down Fritz Baffour of the NDC.

Ursula’s style of championing the causes she believes in is reminiscent of the historic Ashanti warrior-queen of Ejisu, Obaahemaa Yaa Asantewaa. She is fearless, audacious and able to pull the crowd behind her when it comes to fighting to liberate her compatriots and country from the shackles of socio-politico-economic slavery.

As all the three mentioned persons, St. Thomas Aquinas, David and Yaa Asantewaa achieved their objectives, so will Ursula Owusu achieve hers provided she stays focused.

Not long ago, she stormed Odododiodoo Constituency when Nii Lante Vanderpuye, that lawless crook working as a Presidential Aide for President Mills had declared the place a no-go area for all Akan-speaking and Akan-name-bearing voters. Although some organised thugs operating on instructions by some faceless persons gave her a bloody hiding, she still went back to Odododiodoo the following day to prove to her assailants that lawlessness has no place in Ghana. What a bold woman she is.

In a meeting with Ursula Owusu at the studios of Sources radio UK on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, I advised her to eschew any acts of complacency regardless how insignificant they may be. She should not assume that she has won the seat already until it is actually won. She took my advice in good faith.

With our collective support, she can win the seat. We need to assist her financially, morally and physically. All discerning Ghanaians or supporters of the NPP should not see Ursula’s determination to wrestle the seat from the NDC as her own cup of tea, and therefore has to battle it out alone. No, it is a battle to chase out the NDC crooks from further inflicting reprehensible daylight robbery on Ghana through their avid policy of Judgment Debt Payments. It is a battle for the collective interest and good of all Ghanaians so I call on all sensible Ghanaians irrespective of their political affiliations to throw their weight behind Ursula Owusu.

Please do attend the Fund raising dinner dance coming up on Saturday July 7, 2012 at Raddison Blu Portman Hotel, 22 Portman Square, London W1H 7BG in honour of Ursula Owusu. It is a perfect way of raising funds to finance her campaign. What a unique opportunity for you to meet the former President Kufuor, the Guest of Honour and Madam Amma Busia, the late Prime Minister Busia's daughter.

Anyone who shares the genuine aspirations of Ursula and the NPP must please be there. We shall interact with her, share views with her and decide with her on the way forward to winning the seat.

I will come out with a second article on Ursula Owusu within days. In the meantime, I will entreat the constituents of Ablekuma South to rally solidly behind Ursula. They should not allow Mr Fritz Baffour to play on their intelligence with any belated “too little too late” projects. NDC government and party are until now known to have run down Ghana and the economy of Ghana, please take note.

Rockson Adofo