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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Columnist: Appiah, Innocent Samuel

Use Distance Healing As An Alternate Treatment

...Chios Master Teacher

Story: Innocent Samuel Appiah

A CHIOS Master Teacher, Nana Anobil V, has called for the need for the country to imbibe distance healing as an alternate treatment or first aid. This he said, would lessen the pains that patients go through all the time.

He also advocated that the Chios energy healing would be incorporated in the syllabi of medical trainees in order to enable medical personnel use it in the hospitals, stressing that Medical Doctors can use it as one of their tools.
“People can be taught; Nurses and Doctors alike can be taught distance healing. A Doctor is called from his house to attend to an emergency; he sits down for a few minutes and sends energy to the patient before he reaches the hospital. So it is high time we integrated this into the medical training in Ghana so that it becomes part of their routine work,” he emphasized.
Reacting to testimonies given by some of the patients he has treated, stroke, diabetes, chronic sinus, depression, trauma, spine and neck problems, sports injuries, stomach ulcers and many emotionally related challenge, among others, Nana Anobil, who is the acting Director of MIS, Ghana Highway Authority, said during a distance healing session, he works with Chios to bring healing to a patient in whatever way is needed at the time, the same as he would in a hands-on session.
He said the concept of distance healing should be highlighted here in Ghana because people have imagined that it is only done by spiritual leaders without any scientific basis but was quick to note that “I think distance healing has a scientific basis because we can teach anybody to heal people at a distance. Distance healing is another method I deal with my numerous patients. By this I am able to heal patients anywhere in the world without letting them come to where I am.”
An interesting feature of energy healing is that it may be performed over distances of thousands of miles. The "life force" claimed to be transmitted by energy healers does not have the properties of any known form of energy.
Chios energy healing is a relatively new yet very comprehensive energy healing system which employs powerful and effective aura and chakra healing techniques, nearly all of which are unique to Chios. Also included are an integral meditation method and personal growth exercises especially designed for the energy healer, as are new treatment procedures for complementary care of serious ailments.
Energy healing is based upon the premise that illness or affliction in the body, emotions, mind and spirit has as its ultimate cause defects in the higher energy field surrounding the body. This energy field is composed of the seven chakras and the seven layers of aura, and has been known and discussed in many spiritual systems since ancient times. This energy field is the higher "energy pattern" which mirrors conditions in the body, emotions, mind and spirit of each person and that must be itself healed, for true physical, emotional and psychological/spiritual healing to take place.
Chios has the very real benefit of being able to clear and heal all seven layers of the energy field and those who have experienced a Chios distance healing session have found it a very powerful experience.
Energy healing is based on the belief that our "life force" creates energy fields that are unbalanced during emotional or physical disease. Because our energy fields are part of an interconnected whole, the use of focused intention by one individual can aid in the health and well being of another.

Energy healing (aura and chakra healing) is one of the most profound and fundamental alternative therapies in the field of alternative medicine and holistic health. Energy healing employs spiritual healing methods which expand the awareness of the energy healer and uses energy, color and light healing techniques to catalyze healing in the patient's energy field (aura and chakra system)—helping the patient break free from afflictions and limitations of body, mind and spirit. It may provide enhanced quality of life for the patient and facilitate spiritual growth.

He mentioned that people who had read about him on some media platforms, had called him from some parts of the world for treatment, which he claimed had been successfully done without them travelling to meet him in Accra.
“One of them who lives in the United States of America, had varicose vain on one side of the leg and he had been to the hospital and he was told that the valves were weak and that blood was not flowing upwards. So this man saw my article on ghanaweb and he sent me an email, describing his ailment to me and I projected energy through the universe. After doing it the first time, he sent me an email and said surprisingly he could stand up and walk without pain. The man is almost healed,” Nana Anobil maintained.
The man, who is described as a computer wizard, stated that there is some scientific basis attached to the miraculous healing that people receive in churches.
“The Pastor touches you and you fall - there is some scientific basis. He will touch your head, chest and why not your shoulder? I will explain this. There is an energy centre on top of your head. I will not dispute that some of the healing principles are divine. So I do not doubt what the churches do but there is a scientific basis. The man will touch your chest because there is an energy centre around there and he projects that energy in you in Jesus’ name and you receive it. Why does he not hold your finger, knee or pull your ear? This tells you that the major energy centre is where these pastors will touch. When they are blessing you they touch your head. Why not your back, waist and other places rather your head and chest? He queried.
Known in private life as Lewis Max Selby, the affable Nana Anobil said distance healing is unique because, noting that one needs only the name of somebody who is sick on his bed in a village; somebody who is sick somewhere in a forest to heal that person. “This healing is scientific and we don’t tell you not to go to the hospital but you do it as a supplement. After all, I am not buying the energy, I just project it and it goes. The energy is in abundance and because it has scientific basis, it works wonders but it is not magic,” he opined.
Nana Anobil, who makes kidney recover completely without transplant, has challenged people who have pains and wants to find out, to just make a phone call to 0244137911 or email [email protected] or [email protected] and he will project energy to that person.
But asked why he will not walk to the hospitals rather than throwing the challenge, Nana said “If I walk to a hospital now, they will call me a trickster and drive me away and say you have no licence to practice such thing. You can describe me as an alternate Doctor. You can send me to the children’s hospital and I will administer bio-energy therapy and let us study them in two days and see how many of them would be discharged. I have done that before.”
A Kumasi-based woman who had sinus problem, spoke to this reporter on phone mentioned that she always felt like crabs moving through her nasal area and had gone through various medical centres, including the United Kingdom but her hopes seemed to be dashed until she heard of Nana, where energy was sent to her and she felt it like something moving through her, saying that and after Nana had administered energy to her for some few more times, she is now healed, even though she does not know this man personally.
Another woman noted that she had a very embarrassing mouth odour because she of serious sinus infections and she had sought treatment in several facilities without success but the moment she contacted Nana Anobil on his cell phone and was given some energy, she can confidently say that she is almost well.
Apart from Distance healing it is usual for a patient to be treated by the energy healer in person in the healer's physical presence, with the use of the healer's hands on and above the body to assist in conducting the energy, colour and light. It is desirable for the healer to be in the presence of the patient so that an examination of the patient's energy field may be more directly conducted and all conditions requiring treatment may be directly treated.
Nana Anobil, who is a Traditional Ruler of Anomabo in the Central Region, has been treating his patients freely without taking any money from them. He hopes that bin the very near future, he would be able to set up a clinic, where he can have ample time and place for patients.
Nana can be reached on: 0244137911 or email [email protected]