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Opinions of Monday, 7 November 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Very serious advice and warning to NPP about Election 2016

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Nana Akufo Addo, the leadership of NPP, the activists and sympathisers of NPP, let this message I have for you today be a matter of great concern to you if and only if, you really want the blowing wind for change to yield the desired fruits.

The campaign to successfully wrestle power from the hands of President Mahama and NDC on 7 December 2016 must be an “all hands on deck” process. It must be a selfless action taken with true dedication to duty; dynamism and sincerity by all those aspiring for a change of government from NDC to NPP at the end of Election 2016.

It must be noted that God has bestowed on people different gifts all of which work together for the common good of society. Let me quote the bible to buttress my contention. 1 Corinthians 7:7 – “I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. …10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in various tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues”.

Therefore, as members of NPP, each person may have a definitive role to play towards the successful voting out of President Mahama and NDC by voting in Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP in the upcoming 7 December 2016 general election. However, certain actions of ours which I deplore can become herculean impediments in our way to successfully wring out power from the NDC.

Selfishness, “pull him down”, he/she is taking the limelight out of me (“orebegye ma nnimoanyam” in the Akan language) if he/she is allowed to draw near to the NPP leadership etc., so I have to do whatever it takes to prevent him/her from coming out with the good in them so that they shall not be noticed. I find these behaviours by those reasoning like that very childish and also obstructions to the course of winning power for Nana Akufo, the NPP and the suffering Ghanaian masses who are all clamouring for a change of government.

Yes, this obnoxious, but established attitude of the Ghanaian can oftentimes be exhibited by the very people who have it in mind to be appointed as Government Ministers or to be given higher positions of responsibility when their party comes to power.

To become a Government Minister is to come to serve your people and nation but not to come to lord yourself over them or come to embezzle public funds as it is contrarily the practice and view of the present NDC government Ministers. Therefore, you have to be selfless, be of good intentions, be honest and sincere, and be open-minded, impartial and not to be mischievous.

However, some people can at times be so myopic that even though they aspire to attain higher positions in government, they still wouldn’t allow other people to play their God-gifted roles that can facilitate the coming into power of their party to earn them their yearned for positions. They will go all the way to undermine those very people whose roles if they were allowed to play them successfully, may help to bring the very saboteurs’ party into power.

Unfortunately, this very outrageous behaviour is currently in manifestation within the NPP. How come! Do the perpetrators of such characters really mean good for the party, the ordinary suffering Ghanaian masses and/or themselves?

For such persons, they have that absurd mentality of, “for say, Kwadwo to earn favour in the eyes of so and so person, then I had better sabotage him even at my own expense. I will rather prefer to lose whatever I stand to gain to allowing him to carry out his God-gifted role successfully to the advantage of everybody” This is how wicked some people do turn out to be.

There is glaringly an undeniable fact that Mrs Charlotte Osei, the Chair of the Electoral Commission, and her outfit, are bent on rigging the upcoming election in favour of President Mahama and NDC. Her obstinacy and machinations as translated into her Plans A, B, C, etc., that she keeps implementing, but which are nearly always being thwarted are sufficient proofs of her evil intentions to rig the election.

Why is it that the NDC and President Mahama keep saying with audacity and certainty that they have won Election 2016 already? They do not proclaim such messages for nothing so we should not take their pronouncements for loose talks by desperate persons who are in their death throes. No, we must take them seriously, and then try our hardest to find the appropriate solutions to negate their nefarious activities directed at denying Ghanaians a free and fair Election 2016.

Is it not said in the Akan proverb, “Se onnifra ni se w3beto ebo3 abo wo a na ne nnan si bribiso” – if a blind person tells you he will throw a stone at you, it indicates that his foot is already stepping on something. Therefore, the NDC’s bold declarations and certainty of winning Election 2016 must not be taken for a joke. They are merrily somersaulting in bed with Charlotte Osei.

We should not be so complacent to conclude from the public euphoria for a change in government that victory has been handed to us on a silver platter. No, that is not the case. We must work even harder until we are rewarded with the victory crown.

Will it not be obligatory upon us to encourage anyone who has effective plans to disrupt the rigging machine by the NDC and Charlotte Osei to do so rather than allowing a few selfish and wicked individuals who come across as angels but are indeed devils within, to scupper our chances of winning the election? Such people may talk sweet words into the ears of the NPP leadership but are indeed the very persons trying to sabotage our chances of winning the election. They are not NDC moles, but out of selfishness and stupid quest for favour and position, they may decide to conspire against the very people who can implement their God-endowed gifts to help us win the election.

When such people approach the leadership or the sympathisers of NPP to try to undermine their fellows, by persuading you to believe their side of the story or argument, please, be very cautious. This is because they are lying similarly as the White American girl campaigning for NPP said, “woboa”, they lie”

Check this YouTube video link:

I hope one or two selfish individuals within the NPP strutting around as angles who are doting on the idea of becoming future Government Ministers will not be allowed to scupper our chances of winning election 2016 by preventing us from finding effective means to counter the plots by Charlotte Osei and the NDC to deny the good majority of Ghanaians their wish for a change of government from NDC to NPP.

I hope they will not make our supplications to God on behalf on Nana Akufo Addo, NPP and the suffering Ghanaian masses come to nought. They will not make the good works by Agya Koo, Lucky Mensah, Ampong, A-Plus and all the other artists as well as all the ordinary Ghanaians working hard around the clock for a change of government come 7 December 2016 come to no fruition.

Let us be wise as the serpent. Until Nana Akufo Addo is crowned with the VICTORY CROWN to come to liberate the suffering Ghanaians from their socio-economic bondage under the government of President Mahama, I shall not rest.

Rockson Adofo