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Opinions of Saturday, 9 November 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Vim Lady Knocks out an NDC Government Minister

Afua Pokuaa (Vim Lady) of Adom FM Knocks out an NDC Government Minister

More grease to the elbows of Afua Pokuaa, alias Vim Lady, Ghana’s version of Margaret Thatcher, the British Iron Lady. I listened to her on Adom FM radio on Wednesday, 6 November 2013 at around 20:00 from a smart phone when she interviewed one Alhaji Collins Dauda, the current Minster for Works, Housing and Water Resources in President Mahama’s NDC-led government. ? ? Alhaji Collins Dauda was the guest of Afua Pokuaa, the host of the programme. I could not tell whether the interview was being granted live, or it was a replay of a previously granted interview. However, Afua could be heard to make a big fool of the Minister. Collins Dauda from the way he was answering the questions, stammering, pausing and pleading with Afua to exercise patience with him, proved how the man was not on top of the very issues relating to his ministry and the NDC manifesto. ? ? She asked him if indeed the NDC government was socialist in nature as maintained in their manifesto. If yes, what are they doing to help the poor and the needy in society in terms of the provision of accommodation as many of them sleep rough in the streets. He was fumbling for answers and lied about affordable housing project ongoing in Tema Community 3. ? ? Little did Collins Dauda know that Afua Pokuaa, born in Tema Community 3, knows the place inside out. Vim Lady knows Tema more than she knows the back of her hand. She told Collins he was lying and described the area he was talking about to prove that there was rather only one block of flats built as against the huge number of low cost houses that Collins was alleging. He wanted the Ghanaian public to believe that the NDC government since President Mills has built huge number of affordable houses. It was proven to be all lies. ? ? What annoyed me most is an answer the Minister gave to a question put to him by Afua. ? Afua: The government is finding it difficult raising loans to construct many affordable houses to meet the needs of the people, you have just said. Why did you not complete the affordable houses started by former President Kufuor? There are many of them in Tema almost finished. They have been roofed and only needed putting in windows and adding few finishing touches. ? Collins: Why should we complete something started by somebody? ? Afua: Do you mean to tell me that because President Kufuor started them you would not complete them? Did Kufuor use his own money to start them? Was he building them for his personal use? Did he not use the taxpayer’s money to build them for the poor and the needy people in Ghana? ? Collins: Afua, please be patient and listen to me. Kufuor could have completed them if he wanted ? Afua: If his party had won the elections in 2008, he might have completed them. Do you not see that you are causing financial loss to the State by letting the buildings rot away the way you have let them? ? Collins: How can I be charged for causing financial loss to the State? Was I the one who started those houses? ? Afua: You can be charged for leaving the taxpayer’s money waste away in the sense of failing to complete them because Kufuor started them ? ? I will not proceed any further even though I remember most of the conversation that lasted about, or more than, two hours. I had to switch off the phone to go to bed because I was getting annoyed by the evil-intended answers or views expressed by Collins Daudu, a Minister, so to speak. ? ? How can Ghana prosper if NDC Ministers find it reasonable to waste public funds and property in that manner? My rival started it so even if it is good, I will not continue it. How evil could they be? These are people ruling Ghana. The man was a complete joke and I felt sorry for him. How Afua Pokuaa made him look stupid, only God can tell. ? ? Vim Lady, could you please replay the tape of that interview for many Ghanaians to listen to it? Would the Ghana radio stations and their overseas affiliates get copies of that tape to play to their listeners to let them know how evil the NDC party and government are? ? ? Novices or misfits like Collins Dauda, Stan Dogbe and many others have been appointed to rule Ghana. No wonder Mahama does not know what he is doing at the presidency but just fumbling. ? ? Afua Pokuaa, keep up the good job. Like Nana Sarkodie Ababio, alias DJ Sources of Sources radio UK, you have admirers not only in Ghana but abroad. Will Collins go for a return match as he was floored by Vim Lady in the interview? ? ? Is there any wise Minister in the Mahama NDC-led government? I am only querying? ? ? Rockson Adofo