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Opinions of Monday, 9 February 2015

Columnist: Morrison, Angelina K.

Vision Laughs At 'Dumsor'

Angelina K. Morrison

"Where there is no vision, the people perish," says the Good Book. It is 2015, and we are perishing in darkness and slithering in an unenviable mist of national shame.

As a nation, we have had several challenges, and unsurprisingly, those stationed at the helm will articulately explain the reasons for this current mess by deploying a relevant political skill: spin.

Now, would there ever be a day when we can't give reasons for failure? Like, "My father left us when we were young," "We did not have money for the education we should have had," "The devil made me do it." There remains a plethora of excuses we may hastily summon. In truth, excuses are real, and we all give them. I give mine; you give yours.

Likewise, the government will continue to spew out numerous reasons for our present darkness ('dumsor' as we term it). Nonetheless, there remains one quality that stands bemused, in fact, she's laughing at all the reasons they have given, are giving, and will ever give in the future. This priceless attribute seems to have eluded our leaders. Call her "Vision" for our piece. Ask yourself: Do our leaders have vision?

Several years ago, on a course, I learned the shortest definition of "vision" I have ever heard: A mental picture of a future state.

If we find ourselves in 2015 with all our perennial challenges, particularly, this darkness; it is because we do not have vision as a country. We can decide to explain away our failures. We are adept at such, but we still wear the tag as poor visionaries.

Anyone who has ever been in leadership knows it can be a challenging role. In reality, things go wrong, and yes, on occasion, circumstances can be outside your control. Perhaps in view of this truth, the government will plead for us to cut them a bit of slack. They will suggest they are doing their best to solve this problem.

For the most part, Ghanaians are people of good understanding. Nevertheless, considering how long this problem has perdured, our leaders will struggle to find many who are willing to give them a vote of confidence.

I sometimes wonder whether our leaders sleep in darkness like the masses do. Perhaps, if they did, they would understand our lasting frustrations. No, they don't.

Any prophet looking into the future will previse other areas of our country that will imminently experience similar problems. This is not a false prophecy: it is simply seeing the direction the sun is heading.

If our current leaders will disagree with the charge that they are visionless; let them adequately answer such a charge by their practical solutions. And considering how many times they have thrown dust into the eyes of the populace, they will have their work cut-out, if they ever hope to convince us.

While NDC is presently in power, I doubt NPP would have done better. They are just like peas in a pod. Parties in opposition usually talk much—that is what they do. NPP had their day, and they could yet return to power next year; however, we are not satisfied they can really do better as they are cut from the same cloth.

A country that lacks practical dreamers will struggle to develop. We need this vital attribute of vision—it will have a huge impact on where we go from here. Indeed, it will quicken the pace of our transformation as a country.

President John Dramani Mahama looks like a nice person—cool, calm, and collected. I like the man. Yes, you may insult him, scold him, curse him, or say whatever you choose; I like the man! But I do not believe he has the engrossing charisma, the rare nous, and the indomitable determination to truly make Ghana great. Unfortunately, he lacks the sublime and Homeric qualities that this country needs at a time like this. And unless something significant changes or happens, at best, he will be remembered as a good president—simply not great! His opponents and supporters will swing to one extreme or the other. I won't fall into such a trap: I love the balanced view. Every man has his oddities, crudities, peculiarities, absurdities, eccentricities, and idiosyncrasies; but also a sprinkling of some good qualities. It is a living mosaic of tattered shreds and purple patches. After all, there are many shades of red: Mahama's type is not blazing hot (like Venetian red), neither is it altogether dull (think auburn).

Our motherland is crying for undaunted visionaries. Shall we pray that God will send us such visionary leaders? It is well known that it will take a miracle for another party (excluding NPP and NDC) to rule Ghana. In view of such state of affairs, prudence suggests that we pray for these two parties, for God to transform them and bless them with the gift of vision. They need the blinds swiftly lowered so they can see with crystal clarity the course to our true development.

When that sincere orison receives an auspicious divine assent, we can be sure that irrespective of which of them is in government; a shameful menace like "dumsor" will never ever plague our dear country.

For now, however, vision is giving a noticeable guffaw; in fact, she is sending forth an ear-splitting cachinnation at our failure to embrace her. Yes, she is laughing at us because we failed to listen and heed her directions which would have made a significant difference. Give whatever excuse we will—our darkness is our choice!

All things considered, would we now listen to her, and break into an entirely advanced phase of our development; or continue to turn a deaf ear and experience similar failures of epic proportions in the future?

I shall return with my talking drums!

Angelina K. Morrison
E: [email protected]