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Opinions of Monday, 5 December 2016

Columnist: Innocent, Ivan Kyei

Vote John Mahama on Dec. 7

President John Mahama President John Mahama

By Ivan Kyei Innocent

Peace and tranquility are the greatest achievement every government can boast of any day, these are the core elements of every strong and resilient economy.... Nana Addo's argument that politics should be about issues was on point but where l disagree with him is the fact that the personality of a candidate shouldn't drive the political focus, but the truth is, if you want to be president, then everything about you become key issues of national interest.

Imagine Ghanaians going to the polls and unsuspectingly elect someone who is divisive, someone who champions ethnocentric supremacy, someone who consistently casts tribal slur...such a mistake which will keep our country on a powder keg waiting to explode and that cannot be allowed to happened, we must collectively enjoin to resist against such a characters at every cost.

A leader with violent dispositions, who all he seeks is political vendetta against his opponents, a vindictive kingpin who demands contrition from everyone around him except himself, such a leader cannot go Flagstaffs house, a place reserved for modest intellectualist with a comprehensive understanding of governance and it process.

A leader who weaves evil lies to chain and entangle people who dissent with him and subsequently sack his party members for divergence. Such schemes and machinations perpetrated by a leader have the capacity to threaten the foundation our democracy but what we know is that Peace and freedom to thrive is secured and assured under JM, no wonder invectives and slur campaign is adopted by the opposition to malign government operatives all in the name of noise for change which of course will never see the light of the day...

Since the inception of the fourth republic under the current NDC government, there's has been a massive improvement in the lives of several Ghanaians...
From 2000-2008 when NPP was leaving office ....Graduates were
paid 250-350 GHC as monthly salary ...This government took the bold initiatives and implemented the much anticipated SSSS, how many doctors, teachers, nurses both students and staff, police and military personal benefited from this policy....even people who could never have had the energy to ask the price of a car were able to own may be a good example...salaries jumped from its core value of 250 Ghc to 1000Ghc.
Ndc government has invested massively in infrastructure which many pundits have described unprecedented in the history of this country......look around The "Excellence" Block called the E-block secondary schools, road expansion programs, Market restructuring, and others ...unlike the erstwhile Kuffour Administration where people boasted with HIPIC toilet, HIPIC schools all of which have naturally reduced to dilapidated structures fit for scrap dump.

Since our transition to lower middle income state and the subsequent reclassification of Ghana's international profile, the need to change economic management strategy became crucial, government was compelled to implement some robust and prudent economic measures which have resulted in the sustenance of the economy.

Home grown solutions fortified by the Senchi consensus resulted in the development of domestic agenda for growth and development.

They no longer campaign on a falling cedi, inflation, budget deficit and balloon state expenditure.

For the first in the history of Ghana we have secured excess generation capacity of energy to the extent that we have a reserve and government is committed to increase our generation capacity to 5000 mega watts by 2020 which will obviously transform a country that was once ridiculed with a caricature "dumsor dumsor" by cynics and surrogates of the opposition into a power hub with a brighter prospect for energy export !! This is the level John Mahama has taken the energy sector to naivety and sincere ignorance are the two tempting powers to raise doubts.

I have seen the opposition running around the streets of Accra holding placards which bore the inscription Nana will create jobs and l asked has Nana Addo ever in his life created any job at all? The Youth employment scheme the npp introduced was a political comedy it had no statutory backing no financial backing.

But today under this government, the youth employment module together with several other youth programs are actively in play and regulated by laws certified by parliament, the youth is secured with both job and fortunes to accentuate their entrepreneurial skills.

Government has built hundreds of new schools, hospitals, CHIPS compounds, ICT centers, business centers are these not avenues for new employment aside our genuine commitment to roll out other policies which are employment friendly?

Desperation and gross ignorance can take the blame for our friends on the other side of the political divide, they are cynics.

We in the NDC, l say we because I'm a proud Cadre, you may be a soldier or comrade and we all tilt towards the same social democratic ideals.

Watch in disbelief the numerous work done within this short spell of time.

Our faces beam with contended gratitude for JM's kind gesture and we believe that we have laid a proper foundation for the next four years to continue ...another four year term that's pregnant with prosperity, human capital development, massive improvement in the lives of Ghanaians.

Neutralist I call upon you, do not listen to the cynics and saboteurs of this government, they are full of liars and deceptions just like their great grand fathers who did everything to sabotage Ghana's independence.

Those were the days they accused the NDC to be people who didn't read much which of course was their usual propaganda but now they are the people who do not read wide and this explains why they have a narrow perspective on governance, no wonder Akuffo Addo can just stand anywhere any day and make wanton promises without recourse to feasibility, costing and other key ingredients, he does not understand what it takes to rule a developing country like Ghana.

They are traitors, evil minded elites. l tell you, soldiers, rise. No longer will propaganda and such cheap lies will become a propagandist tool for these dishonest elites to evade from us the truth about our country.

They did it Dr. Kwame Nkrumah by collaborating with some foreign imperialist powers to have him grounded and subsequently grounded the future of this country. We cannot take our future for a mortgage. I'm a youth just like you are. Let's secure our future with a vote for JM and history will forever have a place for us; the Bible is my witness.

Writer's e-mail: [email protected]