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Opinions of Sunday, 25 November 2012

Columnist: AlWaiz, Husseini Y Baba

Voters, beware of NPP’s stolen 234.15 billion

from the BoG before casting
your ballot

News Analysis (Part I)

“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with
courage, needs not be lived again.”
--- Maya Angelou, in “On the Pulse of the Morning” (1993)

It is just interesting to get to know that, the NPP had inflicted a
gigantic and gargantuan damage to Ghana’s national cake by looting the Bank of
Ghana to a whopping sum of 234.15 billion cedis in the year 2007, under the
watchful eyes of the NPP’s Vice-Presidential candidate, Dr. Mahmadu
Bawumia and his former Boss the ex-governor, Dr. Paul Acquah. ‘’But only to
cover and conceal their worse deals and try to fabricate and formulate
allegations against His Excellency President Mahama.
This was disclosed in a book entitled, “Lest We Forget- NPP The Looting
Brigade.” This was released by the NDC’s Forum for Setting the Records
Straight. Given of the timing of this shocking incident, which the money was on
May 28, 2007, it is very clear that, the NPP used this money for its
failed 2008 electioneering campaign, which was replete with bribery and gift
giving to the electorate. There is no way now the NPP could deny this, because
the date and time has been indicated.
It was interesting to observe the mysterious circumstances in which the
money went missing. The book revealed that, at the Ghana Commercial Bank Head
Office, a total of 83.73 billion got stolen. At the Apex Bank Head Office,
an amount of 95.25 billion cedis could not be traced. And at the Takoradi
Branch of Apex, 55.15 billion cedis vanished into thin air.
When one observes financial lost the NPP caused to the state, during the
Golden Jubilee Anniversary celebration, he or she would continuously curse
this party and its cronies to their graves. The NPP squandered over 65
billion of the Ghanaian tax payers’ money, in unnecessary spending. There were
many instances that this party while in government usurped the amount of
money approved by parliament and increased the budget limit of this
activities, just to enable them pocket the excessive amount.
Fellow Ghanaian electorates, if anything at all, this deal indicates how
aggressive the NPP cronies were to milk, drain and rape state resources,
upon coming into office. There were instances where even their bigwigs would
react in a jovial manner upon complains by the sympathizers of the NDC,
regarding their rampant spate of corruption, saying, “As for you NDC member
you do not know how to steal and spend money, so we are here to teach you how
to do so.” In fact one do not have to be a member or crony of the NDC to
simply conclude that, this rife and rampant spate of corruption and
embezzlement by the NPP was highly unprecedented in the political history of
mother Ghana.
One would notice that, whatever the NPP would blame the NDC of doing, they
appear to be skilled masters at it. They continuously vilify and castigate
the President, (who assume presidential role only few months of
corruption), but they hardly authenticate these allegations, in spite of the President
’s challenge for them to prove their allegation or shut the f…k up! These
NPP crooks were hopping that by shouting loud Ghanaians would stupid
enough to believe them! What they do not know is that when it comes to fleecing
our national coffers Ghanaians know the culprits …NPP!
All this while, the NPP is portraying itself as the holiest party that
Ghanaians have never seen before. They actually take Ghanaians for granted,
thinking that, Ghanaians would overlook the economic homicide inflicted by
the previous NPP administration.

And what is the guarantee that, when we return this corrupt NPP party into
power, they would not repeat the unscrupulous and corrupt deals,
especially now that the country is blessed with oil and Natural gas resources?
Voting NPP back into power will retrogress rather than progress the enviable
Better Ghana Agenda achievements made so far by the Mills-Mahama and
Mahama-Amissah led administrations. We therefore call on the Ghanaian electorate to
handsomely reject the flippant NPP and their veiled intensions to come
back and continue the loot! For the interest of Ghana, we urge Ghanaians to
VOTE wisely and vote His Excellency, John Dramani Mahama and Amissah Arthur
to continue with the Better Ghana Agenda that has seen a lot of achievements
within the past four years.

Husseini Y. Baba AlWaiz, Press Secretary, NDC New York