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Opinions of Monday, 18 July 2016

Columnist: Michael Jarvis Bokor

Walewale sets in motion the train of negative politics toward election 2016

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Folks, it is disturbing to read news reports that political violence has begun erupting in some parts of the country; Walewale in the Northern region blazing the trail so early in the main campaign season.

What for? What are they fighting for or against? Poor lost souls in the Savannah region of Ghana!!

I have a simple message for these misguided activists of the NPP and NDC, especially, those who are quick to turn politics into a game of stupidity and savagery. No matter what happens, the outcome of Election 2016 won't put in office those who know what to do to solve the existential problems facing the people.

At best, the polls will produce winners and losers who have been with us all these years and said or done things to prove that they are mere self-seekers. So, why kill oneself for them?

In the many years that I have monitored happenings in the country, I have come to realize that political activists who sacrifice their lot to support political camps dear to their hearts end up being marginalized or victimized.

So, why not hasten slowly in fighting for one's political cause, especially if doing so will bring one face-to-face with one's kith and kin? Should politics push anybody to the extent as to harm political opponents for a cause that won't benefit him or her in anyway?

How many of these politicians in power walking the corridors of power and exploiting the loopholes in the system for personal gains even know these activists? How many of them even support them in any way to live comfortably? Why, then, turn politics into a battle?

Folks, as we inch toward Election 2016, we expect more of such confrontations to threaten society. Interestingly, the politicians hoping to exploit the situation won't even deem it proper to call their followers to order. They do so at their own risk.

Unfortunately, those tearing at each other will do so only to realize in the end that they don't matter at all in our political situation. How long should it take them to realize that politics is about progress and not retrogression? Poor souls that I pity!!

