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Opinions of Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Was Afia Schwarzenegger right to have attacked Kennedy Agyapong on her radio programme?

It is unfortunate to witness Ghana currently teeming with greenhorn journalists and radio presenters. Most of these journalists who have thrown the ethics of journalism into the rubbish compactor because of their quest for cheap popularity, fame and fortune, do behave irresponsibly indeed. They have tarnished the image of the Ghanaian journalism. They often listen to the dictates of their stomach and heart but not their head hence always making a joke of themselves and their profession.

Much as I am not happy about the oftentimes fiery temperament of Hon. Kennedy Agyepong, Afia Schwarzenegger was completely wrong to have questioned the credibility, the source of wealth, and the ego of Hon. Kennedy Agyepong the way she did.

She was not happy about Kennedy Agyepong talking derogatorily about the children of President Mahama. How did whatever he had said about the children affect her as a person called Afia Schwarzenegger? Was she tasked to respond to Kennedy's allegations against, or insults on, the children of President Mahama, by anyone? Did she do that voluntarily in defence of the children or the family of President Mahama?

Was she only trying hard to court the attention and love of President Mahama so that her name could be written down in the good books of the President to be subsequently rewarded handsomely with a position in his administration or what?

She had expected Kennedy to only insult President Mahama or the wife or both, but not the children. Good. Why should she, a probably loud-mouthed unprofessional journalist bring Kennedy's mum in, telling what she does for a living? Do two wrongs make a right?

For portraying that unprofessional character on air, using her radio programme to demean or insult Kennedy the way she did, her attitude amounts to gross misconduct. She has not only disgraced herself but also, humiliated her employer – Dr Osei Kwame Despite.

If it had happened in any civilized society, the owner would sack her straight away. She should find her own medium to settle her scores with Kennedy but not on her employer's commercial radio station. What she did amounts to abuse of trust reposed in her by her employer.

I will entreat Hon. Kennedy Agyepong to control his temper and be patient in some situations even when under extreme provocation as made evident by the disgraceful and unprofessional attitude of Afia Schwarzenegger.

It is not only Afia who has displayed that uncalled for attitude but most of the journalists do in their own little ways.

A journalist is to report the truth. He or she is to inform the public and to keep the government on her toes to do the right things. Is it what the Ghanaian journalists are doing? NO!!!!!!!!! They have rather become wealth seekers, trying to make money quickly by telling lies in support of the corrupt politicians and government. By being supportive of the corrupt practices by the government, they too make their quick buck. Shame on them!

Have they forgotten that quick buck goes as quickly as it comes? I hope Kennedy and Afia will settle their differences amicably, and off air of course.

Rockson Adofo