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Opinions of Monday, 22 March 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Was Asantehene Right to Threaten to Arrest Techimanhene?

In the present day Ghana, under the President Atta Mills' NDC administration, many are those that are taking undue advantage of their affiliation with the NDC party. The leniency of President Atta Mills has not only been compromised but unravelled to be absolute weakness or a complete senseless wickedness. His administration has once more been allowed to be hijacked by some supposed useless and jobless party fanaticsclaiming to be the party's foot-soldiers. The NDC party has always been portrayed as a party of violence and lawlessness owing to the moronic wicked actions often executed and exacerbated by many of the party's adherents.

They always commit crimes with impunity. It is about time someone stood up to whip sense into their oblong skulls which are full of nonsense. Most of these NDC foot-soldiers are shallow-minded ignoramuses who can easily be manipulated to carry out dastardly acts as may be desired by any supposed Overlord within the party. Ghana is not for NDC activists and sympathisers alone as it is being directly or indirectly preached by Former President Rawlings and his band of callous fanatics. Ghana is for all Ghanaians as well as anyone who seeks the welfare of Ghana as long as we live in an interdependent global world.

The Omanhene of Techiman, Nana Ekumfi Ameyaw IV, is not an exception to the NDC's stupid fanaticism. He could unfortunately not live above the nonsense and the wickedness being perpetrated and orchestrated by the NDC foot-soldiers in the country but rather stooped too low to it. He, being an ex-military, and a cowboy chief as per his recent repugnant behaviour thought he has the right like any other NDC insane fanatic to get away with committing their usual heinous crimes. He had the shameless audacity to order the kidnapping of an equally Omanhene, the chief of Tuobodom, from the very doorsteps of a Court of law in Wenchi. His "Yes Sir, master" macho men bundled Nana Tuobodomhene into a car, tied him up at his legs and hands and drove him right into the palace of Techimanhene in Techiman. He was stripped naked. Out of shock, his "Moses abaa" immediately shrunk to the size of a child's. The close confidants of Techimanhene around may have poked and joked with his tiny "Moses abaa" which miserably did stick out between his legs like any lifeless body organ.

They may have teased him saying, "You claim to be a man, look at your "Moses abaa". Why has it sunk in?" Ones penis shrinks when faced with sudden life and death situation. Your energy is instantaneously sapped. This abrupt change in the body metabolism adversely affects the penis. I can just imagine the humiliation this man was made to go through. It never ended there. He was kicked at the mouth by the Techiman cowboy chief; kept rolling him over with his foot to further expose his nudity to all that had gathered around to see. This cowboy chief employed his military cum Kung-fu bullying tactics to inflict maximum injury on his fellow Omanhene for simply refusing to divert his allegiance paid to Asantehene back to him, Techimanhene. Be that as it may, then Techimanhene is guilty of misdemeanour if not felony. What a shameful situation?

Techimanhene is alleged to have told Tuobodomhene, “my party is in power and that I can do whatever I want”. Yes, he can do whatever he wants indeed. That is NDC for you. He is not the first person to have committed a crime in the false belief of “yen aban na aba” and he may not be the last one.

Do we as concerned citizens of Ghana sit on our laps while some ignorant idiots take the laws into their hands? No. This is the more reason why I support and commend Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene, for coming out against the ongoing lawlessness in Ghana. He never just emerged out of the woods to threaten the coward Techimanhene with arrest. He said, “If people were going to take the laws into their hands to commit preposterous acts in the name of our (NDC activists) party is in government”, then he had better sit up. Consequent upon the Mills’ NDC government failing to act within five days, then he would arrest Techimanhene should he ever set foot in Kumasi. What is wrong about this declaration, Kwesi Pratt and his like-minded senseless fellows, Prince and Kwame Thamesmead? Asantehene came out boldly to sound the wake call to Atta Mills about the persistent ongoing commitment of crimes by the NDC fanatics who always get away with it. It is only a fool who does not know how often than not the NDC guys have flouted the laws of the land with impunity. Is Kwesi Pratt a fool then? Yes he is.

Let me prove how Kwesi Pratt and all those reasoning like him on this Asantehene's bold declaration are. Kwesi Pratt sat on Kwame Sefa Kayi's Peace FM's morning show 'Kookrokoo' and made a big fool of himself. He castigated Asantehene questioning, 'What powers has Asantehene to threaten to arrest Techimanhene should he ever step in Kumasi; by issuing ultimatum to President Atta Mills?' He spewed a lot of nonsense but I will pick just one or two of his statements to prove to Ghanaians how stupid this ugly Kwesi Pratt can be at times. In his frivolous statements he said, 'Asantehene should note that Ghana is now a Constitutional Republic, we are no longer under chieftaincy and the 'ahenfie' police are abolished for good'.

We shall no longer go under chieftaincy' Much as people with myself inclusive are getting fed up with the nonsense of some of our chiefs on daily basis, the Ghana constitution still recognises and empowers our chiefs to carry out certain tasks. Kwesi Pratt will do himself a big favour by going back to read the Ghana Constitution in order not to make a fool of himself on air in future. In the Constitution Asantehene is mentioned and the role of chieftaincy in the development of Ghana stated, if you care to know. You can hate Asantehene for other reasons but not on this particular issue. This same blockhead is saying all those using the word “kidnapped” to explain the situation under which Tuobodomhene found himself when forced into a car and taken to Techiman are wrong. He says kidnap is a very serious word to employ as the scenario is nowhere near that. What word should then be used to explain the problem Tuobodomhene went through under the hands and orders of Techimanhene? Let me help Kwesi Pratt with the definition of kidnap. KIDNAP means 'to steal, carry off, or abduct by force or fraud, esp. for use as a hostage or to extract ransom"

Was Tuobodomhene not abducted, tied at hands and legs and carried to a destination against his will? Was he not threatened with beatings should he fail to renounce his allegiance to Asantehene? .Was he not mistreated when he failed to oblige by their callous request to him to renounce his homage to Asantehene? Kwesi Pratt is actually a 'prat' as far as his views on this issue go.

Others are of the opinion that two wrongs never make a right. Yes, two wrongs never make a right but a counter wrong aimed at bringing sanity into a mad person's head is a right in itself. Asantehene is perceived by most irrational beings to have acted irresponsibly. Asantehene did the right thing. His bold assertion has brought about sanity and corrections into the Ghanaian society.

The Tuobodomhene is free forever from the insidious absurdity of Techimanhene. The Regional Police Commander for Brong-Ahafo Region, Oteng, has been removed as instructed by Asantehene. President Mills truly as the 'Asomdwehene' acted within time as ordered by Asantehene. Brong-Ahafo Regional House of Chiefs dispatched a delegation to plead with Asantehene for peace, and pardon for Techimanhene. President Mills’ sent a powerful delegation to Asantehene to calm him down. New CIDs have been sent in to investigate the case and the old ones removed. Techimanhene has since been arrested by the police, his statement taken and bailed. All those who kidnapped Tuobodomhene have since been arrested by the police. The NDC foot-soldiers have disowned Techimanhene claiming he is not a member of the party. The lawlessness of party fanatics and the manipulation of the security agents by politicians will cease if powerful institutions like the Asanteman Council will always come out with bold and honest directives.

More grease to the elbows of Asantehene, the Asanteman Council, President Atta Mills, the various delegations mediating for peace and all those sensible citizens of Ghana worldwide. Let peace, honesty and patriotism prevail in Ghana.

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Rockson Adofo