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Opinions of Saturday, 12 March 2011

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

Was Ex-Prez. Kufuor Not Ashamed Of Going To The Castle-Part 3

In the period immediately preceding the assumption of office by President John Agyekum Kufuor, the relationship between HIM and FORMER PRESIDENT RAWLINGS SEEMED TO BE CORDIAL, at least outwardly. Since January 2001, however, their relationship has soured to a point that was very dangerous to the stability of the Nation. Several attempts by respectable individuals, genuine religious leaders and the Council of state to reconcile them HAVE FAILED because Prez. Kufuor has REFUSED TO BUDGE BECAUSE IN HIS POISONED MIND, HE KNEW WHAT HE HAD IN STORE FOR RAWLINGS AND THAT WAS DEATH AND NOTHING ELSE.
Strangely enough, in the midst of attempts to reconcile the TWO, a group of religious leaders TRIED TO MUDDY THE WATERS by pronouncing Rawlings GUILTY before giving him a hearing. On 17th March 2005 at a CJA –Wahala demonstration, President Rawlings seized the opportunity to comment on the failure of Prez. Kufuor to deal with CORRUPTION in his NPP administration and compared his insensitivity to that of Ataa Ayi a notorious Armed Robber now in prison. President Kufuor swiftly responded, and HELD a meeting with the Rt. Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong Manso, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and called on religious, traditional and community leaders to come out to “speak against any derogatory remarks by political leaders “ONE OF THOSE LEADERS WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE” and as one of the “people who do not have any idea of what good character should b” These comments by Kufour was given WIDE PUBLICITY in the media.
Therefore a group of church leaders comprising Rev. Dr. Frimpong Manso, Rt.Rev.Dr. Aboagye Mensah (Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church), ArchBishop C.A Akrofi (Anglican Bishop of West Africa Province) and Apostle Michael Ntumy (Chairman of the Church of Pentecost and President of the Ghana Pentecostal Council) signed a statement which it released to ALL MEDIA HOUSES in Ghana for publication or broad cast to the nation. It was a PASTORAL LETTER that CONDEMNED former President Rawlings for “DISRESPECTING THE PRESIDENCY” and asked him to apologize to Kufour WITHOUT GIVING RAWLINGS A HEARING AT ALL. These are the Gang of Four men of God in NPP Colours who are so biased against objectivity. It was a carefully PLANNED AGENDA by President Kufour and the WHOLE NPP membership nationwide TO “STRIP RAWLINGS NAKED” and break up the NDC, his political party and if possible to ELIMINATE RAWLINGS and then CUT HIS MEAT to pieces and share it for lunch or supper over a dinner table and enjoy FRESH MEAT since they are political cannibals. It was only God who saved him from being devoured by these Human Beasts in the NPP. Within weeks of taking over power President Kufuor’s administration began a systematic campaign to CRIMINALISE THE ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION of former President Rawlings. He was BANNED from going to several places in Ghana, Telephones in his residence and office were bagged for 8 years -2001 to 2008 by Kufour. To incapacitate him the NPP government BLOCKED his sources of FINANCE MONIES DUE HIM were withheld. All Business of His friends were destroyed. Even Contracts his government signed with foreign companies were Abrogated. To further ISOLATE HIM, his non-Ghanaian friends living in Ghana WERE THREATENED WITH DEPORTATION ORDERS by Ex-Prez. Kufuor. Privileges constitutionally DUE HIM AS A FORMER PRESIDENT WERE ILLIGALLY DENIED HIM. Between 2001-2008, hardly a day passes by WITHOUT a news paper or radio station covertly sponsored by the NPP government putting out some nasty and negative comments about former President Rawlings JUST TO RIDICULE HIM.
Foreign nations had been instructed NOT TO INVITE Ex-Prez. Rawlings to their functions. Some have been prevailed upon not to accord him security protection during his travels because Rawlings was looking for MONEY TO stage a coup to overthrow the NPP government which was false.
On one occasion, a COMBINED TEAM of police and military were dispatched to his residence in an attempt to abduct or kill him. He was trailed all the time by ARMED MEN from the NATIONAL SECURITY looking for an opportunity to shoot and kill him on the marching orders of Ex-Prez. Kufuor, the then Commander-In-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces. Now that Kufuor is NO MORE Ghana’s President, WILL HE BE VERY HAPPY if President Mills’ NDC governments DECIDE TO TREAT HIM IN SUCH A VERY inhuman and contemptuous way as he did to Former President Rawlings? And if you were to be in Rawlings shoes, will you ever patch up with such a very treacherous, wicked, greedy and dishonest tribal bigot like Ex-President Kufour?


Frankly speaking, the NPP government of President Kufuor PRACTICED AN ALIEN DEMOCRACY WITH VENGEANCE which was doubled “Property Owning Democracy” throughout his 8 years in office form Jan 2001-Jan 6th 2009 where he announced HIGH SALARY INCREASES FOR WORKERS BEFORE HANDING OVER POWER TO PROFESSOR MILLS. He had wanted the workers to demonstrate against Mills for High wages but it failed. As a moderate democrat and a man of peace, President Mills ONLY INVITED Ex-President Kufuor rather to TEACH HIM that Democracy Does Not Mean War. Democracy Does Not Mean that Opposition Members’ Businesses should be destroyed and Opposition Contractors DENIED Contracts in order to compel them to join the ruling party. Democracy does not mean Political intolerance and murder. He again educated Mr.Kufuor that Tribal Politics as practiced OPENLY by the NPP can one day plunge the COUNTRY INTO A VERY BLOODY CIVIL WAR IN FUTURE. President Mills has nothing to LEARN from Kufuor who cannot even teach him. Finally, Democracy does NOT MEAN that the President of a ruling government must use its National Security Operatives to trail a former President or any opposition member in order to KILL THEM like President Kufour did while in office for 8 years in Ghana.
I owe NO APOLOGY to ANY member of the NPP including J.A Kufuor who is very greedy, wicked, ungrateful and vicious like Mr. Sam Jonah the former CEO of AGC. He forgot that it pays to be NICE to people on your way UP for it is the same people you will meet on your way DOWN, Now Kufuor has met the same people including this writer on his shameful way DOWN and he is now CRYING TO BE A MESSENGER in a RULING PARTY than being an Executive member of an opposition party. Was he not the one who started it all? He is very Lucky to have Prof.Mills as the President of Ghana or else he would have been paid in his own coin because Tit For Tat is no sin. As for Sam Jonah, it was the C.D.R’S of AGC who projected him to fame and he became the CEO of the same Company in 1984 but when he REFUSED to become a Vice President to Rawlings in 1992, there was BAD BLOOD between the two men. Rawlings was a POOR HEAD of state and Sam Jonah was a fabulously RICH CEO of a multinational company and therefore he was very influential in business circles than Rawlings. Despite that, Rawlings again approached him to be his Vice President in 1996 once again, he readily agreed but fled to South Africa thinking that the NDC will lose the elections that year, Rawlings then chose the then Vice President Mills and went ahead to win the 1996 general elections. Feeling ashamed, Sam Jonah returned to Ghana and DISMISSED all known CDR Cadres and NDC members in the MINE and refused to promote several miners numbering over 160 to senior staff positions including this writer and they remained in ACTING POSITIONS from 8 to 11 years after passing their examinations instead of the usual 6 months probation period, until their retirements. Most of them were laid off through a redundancy exercise. Why should Jonah punish innocent workers because of his quarrel with Rawlings? ONLY GOD KNOWS. I am writing this article for the general public and the Ghana Youth between the ages of 16 years and 50 years to know the facts since most of them were NOT born or if they were born at all, they did NOT know the DIRTY POLITICS of Ghana especially that of Ex-Prez. Kufuor’s NPP who used his position as the President of Ghana to travel over 300 times outside Ghana at the expense of the Tax payer and also destroyed the jobs of several businessmen and women suspected to be NDC members. From Obuasi, this has been Clement Sangaparee taking Mr. J.A Kufuor to the cleaners and giving him a perpetual heart beat. So Dear reader, this is only a tip of the iceberg, you keep your fingers crossed, I shall return with more atrocities that the NPP meted out to all NDC members from 2001 to 2008.

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I am done! Aluta Continua!

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