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Opinions of Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Columnist: Nyarko, Stallone

Was Jerry Rawlings aware of the NDC's grand plot to rig?


By Stallone Nyarko.

We are all witnesses to the frosty relationship that existed between the leadership of the NDC and their founder, ex- president Jerry John Rawlings in the run up to the 2012 general elections. It would also be recalled that, many of the accusations and effusions of the former President before the elections were rubbished on the premise of he being a bitter man who only sought to dim the chances of his own party in the 2012 elections. Matters arising from the just ended general elections however seem to be giving credence to some accusations made by Jerry Rawlings before the elections.

The NDC’s Alhaji Bature on Thursday, July 19 published in his Al-hajj newspaper, ( reports of how ex-president President Rawlings had gone to faraway Equatorial-Guinea to reveal some sinister measures his party had put in place to massively rig the December 2012 elections. According to Alhaji Bature and his Al-hajj newspaper, Ex-President Rawlings, days after meeting the late ex-president Mills at the castle went aboard the Presidential Jet to meet the Equatorial-Guinean President , Obiang Mbasogo Nguema who hosted the Ghanaian leader alongside the President of Surinam. According to the tabloid which obviously sympathizes with the NDC, Ex-President Rawlings revealed to his fellow leaders that, his party knew they were going to lose the December polls to the opposition NPP and has hence put up measures to rig the elections. The ex-president disclosed plans by the NDC to bus hordes of people to their rallies creating the impression of having massive support which will afford them fertile grounds to rig the elections. This startling revelation made by the ex-president was said to have evoked the irk of the NDC’s top hierarchy who were going to be forced to table the ex-president’s supposed ‘misconduct’ at the next NEC meeting.

The leading opposition party after the declaration of results by the electoral commission is claiming to have gathered concrete evidence pointing to massive discrepancies in the results collated by the electoral commission and is bracing itself for a legal suit against the electoral commission in the highest court of the land.

It then comes to mind as to which kind of information the former air force pilot and leader of Ghana was privy to which compelled him to make those allegations against his own party. The days ahead are pregnant with so much and we can only watch as the events unfold.


By Stallone Nyarko.