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Opinions of Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

Watch the tribal bigots in NPP – Part 3

Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo

The NPP was born out of TRIBALISM, and they have always remained so since the time of the National Liberation Movement (NLM) with Mate-Meho as its local name, the Danquah / Busia tradition have always used Tribalism to advance their political ambitions. It is now even too glaring in this 21st Century.

Even when the NLM – Mate – Meho people formed an alliance with the late S.D. Dombo’s Northern People’s Party (NPP) in the late 1950’s, they refused to make Mr. S.D Donbo the leader of the opposition although Mr. Dombo’s NPP party had more seats in the Legislature than the NLM/ Mate-Meho Party.

What was the reason? Mr. S.D Dombo was a Northerner, LISTEN TO NANA AKUFFO ADDO “Akans must eschew the perception among other groups in the country that they are cowards and would ran away from any little threats “Our predecessors who started the Party that has made us the largest party in the country (i.e Mate – Meho people who used to CUT OPEN THE STOMACHS OF PREGNANT WOMEN AND THROW BOMBS) were not people who were hiding under beds “AT The Atiwa Bye-Elections, we showed a little bit of what we are made of. At Atiwa, we displayed a little bit of something ……..

In the Upcoming elections in 2012, All die be die – I say, All die be die – Nana Addo was addressing a mainly Akan meeting at Koforidua in the Eastern Region, his home region and yet in the 2012 general elections, Ghanaians told him point blank that Elections are not won in the streets with bombs, Guns, Cutlasses, Grenades and Old Pestles but through the Ballot Box where people vote in peace.

He was then shown a RED CARD to go and lick his wound at Kyebi – his hometown where NDC members were chased into the bush in the 2008 and 2012 general elections upon his instructions- It was shameful. Was it a Pride to cut open the stomachs of Pregnant Women by the NLM / Mate-Meho which the NPP represents today 2016?

2. Was it a pride to throw bombs at the massively attended rallies of the great CPP in the 1950’s for thousands of innocent men, women and children to die because of Political Power in Ghana?

3. Was it an act of cowardice or Bravery as Nana Akuffo Addo wants the Youth in Koforidua to emulate those satanic examples?

4. Do we win elections by killing our opponents as Nana Akuffo Addo wants us to believe?

The Proper Akans Menance

“You have all the resources, but you have no say in the management of your resources, and that is what is happening. Your development depends on the one who has no resources. You can say this openly “Yaw Osafo Marfo, the so- called highly educated idiot told the Eastern regional elders of the NPP in February 2015.

According to him, 90% of Ghana’s resources are based in five Akan Regions namely Ashanti. Eastern, Brong Ahafo, Western and Central Regions after telling his party elders that Fantes Are Not Proper Akans.

Now, where were the so – called Proper Akans when cargo cars were sent up to the three Northerners regions to carry able bodied young men down south to work at the Obuasi, Konogo, Bibiani, Prestea and Tarkwa Mines in the 1950’s.

Today, the 21st Century, the great grand children of those brave hardworking miners from the three Northern Regions can no more get employment in the very mining companies that their grandfathers were brought down in their thousands to mine and die for nothing.

Today, Land cruisers can be driven down the mine and back to surface instead of using the cage that used to carry miners to work underground – Now Northerners are NO MORE NEEDED AT ALL because they are not Proper Akans – no matter their academic qualifications. Was it not a Proper Akan in the person of Ex-Prez Kufour who sold the remaining 20% Golden Share of the Ghana Government at AGA Ltd that COLLAPSED THE MINE FINALLY IN 2015? Ex – Prez Kufour lied to Ghanaians that the Deal was a Merger even though all Board meetings of AGA LTD always take place in South Africa.

Yes, we said the whiteman was not good so we drove him away on 6th March, 1967 and declared Independence, A black whiteman took over the country and Ghana is now worse, so whose fault is it? Again, in the AGA, we drove away the whitemen but within 5years after their departure, the top NPP management of AGA Ltd destroyed the entire mine through Dirty Politics led by the Proper Akans as they tried to force all AGA workers through Sam Jonah to become NPP members but failed.

In the AGA, if one passed examination as a supervisor – which we call shiftboss – you have to be confirmed by six months but these NPP top management politicians of AGA packed over 200 supervisors and they remained in Acting Positions between 6years to 14years including this writer.

Others acted without pay until their retirement – one could not tell whether the giant AGA company was a mining company or a giant political organization out to destroy Rawlings and his NDC party – It was very shameful To the Akan Supremacists, I say what is coming, is coming, and what will happen, will happen

Is anybody listening? Keep your fingers Crossed, I Shall Return.

Writer's e-mail: [email protected]