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Opinions of Saturday, 5 November 2011

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

We Will Accept Killing Babies But No Homosexuals In Our Midst

The homophobic hetrosexuals will kill unborn babies and think that is a lesser crime
than homosexuality. That is the hypocrisy Professor Adomako Ampofo was talking
about. The deputy Minister of Health, Rojo Nunoo suggested we should make abortion
legal to save the lives of pregnant women and the news received less than hundred
responses without the usual hysteria the homosexual issue elicit from forumers so
called Christians.Christians and Moslems who will rather see babies killed than to
live with homosexuals. President Mills after gauging where the wind was blowing and
finding out majority of Ghanaians were against the homosexual lifestyle came out
like a cowboy pursuing cattlerousers with his timid bravado about Ghanaian morality
not in consonance with the homosexuals lifestyle. This was after more than two weeks
when the British Prime Minister has attached British aid to Ghana by us accepting
and recognizing the rights of homosexuals. Mills
responded to this after one NPP Awuku has called him to the carpet and his
response received more than 600 comments with commendation with his hawkish
bravado. Now let's hear about what he thinks about his Health Ministry baby killing

My beef is this: Is aborting a fetus which has a legal status as a human being
more tolerable than homosexuality? To those who say God will descend his wrath on
Ghana if we accept homosexuals saying it is better to kill unborn babies and God
will accept that than the few homosexuals who are minding their own business without
bordering us hetrosexuals? Let me get this clear maybe I am out of the mainstream
Ghanaian beliefs.


At least there is hope left amongst our intellectuals who dissect problems
critically without allowing their emotions to get the best of them. This is how
anybody with an ounce of brain matter should view the homosexual problem.
With all the myriad of problems we have in Ghana, does homosexuality have to occupy
one minute of our time? We have joblessness, dilapidated hospitals without
equipments, armed robbery being rampant, child molestation by hetrosexuals, fathers
having babies with their own daughters, murders almost daily and instead of using
our resources and energy to combat these problems, we are worried about few
homosexuals and what these people do behind closed doors?

I know some people are going to say they are demanding recognition. What is the
meaning of that? Recognition for the rights to be allowed to marry themselves and be
recognized by the government? That will be against our moral values and we will not
do that but if the recognition we are talking about is the recognition of their
rights to exist in society and we affirming that we have homosexuals in our midst,
then it is something we cannot deny because whatever we do, the homosexuals are not
going to go away. What do these homophobics want to do to homosexuals? Exterminate
them like Hitler did to the Jews?

We might keep our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich and behave that
without accepting them, they will go away. Accepting them does not mean we support
their lifestyle but we know a Doctor cannot cure a disease without diagnosis and
prescribing the right medicine and that is what we are doing now in Ghana, we think
by not recognising their existence, we will rid ourselves of the homosexual
issue. We believe that by being hypocrites and bigots, the homosexuals will go back
to the closet which will not be in our best interest. The point is that, there are
homosexuals in Ghana who are in this just because of the financial gain and can be
saved with counselling and job training but that cannot be done without recognising
that, we have that problem.

What are we trying TO ACHIEVE with this homosexual bigotry? TO TELL THE WORLD THAT

We Ghanaians need to assess ourselves. WE ARE REALLY HYPOCRITES AND BIGOTS AS THE
PROFESSOR SAID. It is the same people who are against tribal bigotry but do not see
our attitude towards homosexuals as one and that is the height of hypocrisy.
Homosexuals should be subjected to the same laws all Ghanaians face and if
homosexuality is against the law, then the government have to enforce the law and
stop this foaming of the mouth hysteria and hatred Ghanaians are showing because
homosexuality is not even amongst the five biggest problems we face in Ghana.

My forum friend Nyasasem wrote a very intelligent and wise comment concerning the
homosexual issue and I think I should highlight it here for others to chew and
digest on it.

"All those Ghanaians condemning homosexuals have minimal peripheral IQ's which do
not lend themselves to deeper thinking and critical reflection. Eistein, Socrates,
Newton,Leonardo Da Vinci or any great scholar or philosopher would not stoop so low
to condemn homosexuality or lesbianism. It's only mediocre minds who assign to
themselves the audacity to pontificate on another's sexual orientation and
People with larger brains find worthy causes and things to spend their time on. Only
people with small brains waste their time condemning anybody with a different sexual
orientation other than their own. Such people are, to put it mildly, shallow minded
peripheral thinkers.

With all those so-called Bishops falling over themselves to castigate homosexuals,
if Jesus Christ had to condemn them for their sins, they wouldn't be parading around
in fanciful kente hats and hoots and gowns blowing hot air and spewing balderdash.
It's only brilliant minds who possess the calibre of critical thinking to tell
Ghana's small-minded people who whip theselves into a frenzy about the reality of
homosexuality to keep their mouths shut and mind thier own business.

Theses are the same so-called men and women of God whom no-one has heard a thing
from, about heterosexuals raping people left, right, and centre, including having
sex with their own children etc; and keeping mute over the several immoral
activities going on in their own backyards and churches.
Trouble is, I read all these condemnations and sigh, because such minds are so
little they hardly merit a response."

General News of Friday, 4 November 2011
Source: citifmonline
Legalise abortion in Ghana - Rojo

The Deputy Minister of Health, Rojo Mettle-Nunoo, is calling for a national debate
on the legalisation of abortion.
According to him, the increase in maternal death rates is attributed to the practice
of illegal and unsafe abortions especially by young mothers hence his call for a
national debate on the issue.
Mr. Mettle-Nunoo noted that the current maternal mortality, which stands at a
frightening 350 deaths per 100,000 live births is detrimental to the development of
the nation and affecting Ghana’s chances of achieving the Millennium Development
Goal 5.
Speaking to Citi News, Mettle-Nunoo explained that young teenage girls who
mistakenly get pregnant must be protected and counseled to abort the pregnancy
safely and legally.
“The basic fundamental issue I am raising here is that do young mothers, teenagers,
children who have no business getting pregnant but get pregnant any knowledge
whatsoever that there is a legal framework that entitles them to fair and safe
“In the event that a girl gets pregnant without necessarily wanting that pregnancy
if she can be counseled, she can be directed as and when appropriate to some of
legal service that would not put her life at risk. ”

I do agree the death ratio of pregnant women in child birth is too high but the
answer is not legalising abortion.

1 .We can cut down on this ratio by making it less costly for pregnant women to see
Doctors regularly as they do in Europe and USA before their due dates. Most pregnant
women do not see a Doctor during the whole nine months of their pregnancy and that
is not good.

2. We also have to make sure we do have a lot of blood available when these women
need it because I've heard a lot of stories where birth mothers die because they
have lost a lot of blood during childbirth and the needed blood type not being
readily available.

3. We should also monitor the diet of pregnant mothers and make sure they get the
needed nutrients instead of our diet that is too rich in starchs and fats.

The above suggestions and more will save pregnant women than making abortion legal
because most of the child birth deaths has nothing to do with illegal abortions.

Justice Sarpong

Houston, Texas