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Opinions of Saturday, 17 July 2021

Columnist: Edward Kyei Frimpong

We are in the days of power

Many Christians have managed to operate in a dimension of power for  years and centuries Many Christians have managed to operate in a dimension of power for years and centuries

The earnest expectation of all creation has always been the desire to be in total control of power over all things in the earth.

The main reason why people will decide to venture into a particular place or
industry is mostly to have full control and dominance to influence a lot of people to be disciples of their ideology.

Since time immemorial, we realize the walk with the Lord has always been about the demonstration of his power over circumstances and people over the earth.

Many Christians have managed to operate in a dimension of that power for
years and centuries. However, many more Christians are craving and yet to
actualize the reality of the power that is and has always been available to them since the new birth.

In a critical look at the current happenings in some places of worship which in this context may be called the church, the sad reality is; some professed Christians have made the power of the dark world become the object and subject of their focus instead of setting their gaze on the incomparable power of the Almighty God they serve.

People spend hours simply by praying against a demonic force that they feel is haunting their progress in life instead of having quality time of fellowship with the Lord.

Such people have been infused with so much fear in their hearts to an extent, they barely believe the genuine power of God can completely overcome and overhaul any sort of demonic alter.

It is about time children of God normalize having quality time of intimacy with the Lord through intense moments of prayer, worship and exaltation.

This is the set time to have a sincere deep hunger and desire for the presence and power of God to be made manifest in the lives of Christians.

The will of God can only be fulfilled when Christians know the essence of God's presence and power which creates a conducive atmosphere for the impossible to be made possible.

You can't fulfill God's promise until you realize who you are and how much of
power God has given to you in Christ Jesus.

We are in a generation where only genuine supernatural power can cause the
the magnitude of change required to advance God's kingdom ideology in the earth.

You can preach the word of God as expected but without the demonstration of
God's power, there can't be massive impartation of lives.

People believe more of the Jesus you are preaching when they can visually see His manifestation in your life. Until you become a testimony of the message of salvation, you can't win many souls to Christ.

Everybody in every aspect of life from politics to football, music, movie, arts et al, is all craving to command power and authority over others. This is why Christians must arise and take up their place of power and win the attention of people from the above-mentioned industries.

One certain way of operating in God's power is your ability to tarry in prayer and stand in his presence for long. The more intimacy you build with the Lord, the more of his authority you carry to dominate your world.

We are living in the days of power and God is calling on us to have fellowship, build intimacy and boldly operate with his unique power to save souls from the pit of hell.

As a child of God, the power you carry is questionable if you cannot cause many people to convert to Christ. What is the essence of your power if you cannot win souls for God?

Again, we are in the days of power and God is expecting his people to put his word and power to act. There is no time to joke around. This is the season and moment of power. Shalom!