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Opinions of Sunday, 26 May 2019

Columnist: Sambian Kwame Solomon

We need peace in Chereponi

Several residents have been displaced due to the clashes in Chereponi Several residents have been displaced due to the clashes in Chereponi

The Northern student Union at University of Education Winneba- Mampong division wish to inform the good people of Chereponi to ensure peace in that area for without peace, there is no development and if there is no peace we the youth lives are at risk.

We also pray and seek for God's intervention to bestow total restoration of Peace and also we humbly entreat all our brothers and sisters who reside in that area to try their possible best to advocate or smoke the stigmatization of peace in that area, the prevalent of peace dwells in the custody of both factions so as we aspire to be intellectuals in the near future.

It is embedded on us to change our society from it deviant behavior to acceptable one. Let us not to also forget that if our society is destroyed our future is also destroyed and if the society we find ourselves in is jeopardized all in the name of conflict, where shall we aspire for the intellectuals we are yearning for?

It is high time we let our close relatives and other people who matter to us understand that pulling the trigger and setting houses and other properties ablaze is not the only alternative to remedy our differences.

The Chiefs, Pastors, Imams, Assembly men, Police and the Law Court are established purposely for finding solutions to human differences hence let's resolve our differences through the aforementioned medium for the sake of peace and development, it is a shame on us that we cannot manage our own affairs peacefully but rather it has to take the intervention of a third party to come and forcefully ensure peace on us. We need peace!

Long live Ghana!

Long live CHEREPONI!!

Written by

NSU former general secretary ( SAMBIAN KWAME SOLOMON)

Approved by

NSU former president (SULE KARIMU)