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Opinions of Thursday, 5 March 2009

Columnist: Akamani, Prince

We need to change the way we do business...NPP

Fortunately and unfortunately, we have a party that is spinning its own tail and chasing its own shadow in the wilderness. This Party that originated from the UGCC is still struggling to place itself in the Ghana's political arena. It's all because of the way we do business with ourselves.

Elitism has been with NPP from its creation. It seems to say most of the people in the NPP party has some type of title. Lawyer this, doctor that and all kinds for nothing good degrees. This is a party I really love, but we need to change the way we do business. J.B. Danquah, K.A Busia and Dombo, these selfless leaders are probably turning in their graves like hell. These leaders chose quality over materialism instead we are choosing inferiority and materialism over quality.

The old concept of wait at the back of the the line until it's your turn needs to be changed. The popularity contest with money also needs to be somehow changed.This is a party that puts quality candidates at the back of the line just because they just got in the party late. The quality of the new candidate becomes valueless regardless of his good ideas for the party. If you have the money to buy your way up the ladder then you are in. This NPP party has become too much of money party. We put money upon quality and therefore producing weak,unpopular ideas and candidates.We need to be real and honest with ourselves. Look at what happened at the Great Hall during,Legon and the NPP Congress.We had to interrupt the process of voting because the other side was buying votes right in front of everybody.

You see, Ghanaians gave the 2000 and especially the 2004 elections to NPP not because of our strengths and might, but because Ghanaians were just tired of the P/NDC. Thank God to our former President Jerry Rawling's who conceded to NPP gave us the chance to be in power. NDC People complained of us cheating or rigging the Presidential elections at that time. I believe they were right because we didn't win by our might, Ghanaians were just tired with NDC, and they wanted a change of government.

The way we choose our leaders need to to be changed. Ten official Constituency officers from each constituency to pick a Flagbearer is wrong. Many of these Ten officials made a bandit out of the NPP's Presidential Candidates during that time. This time, we should ask every card holding member of the party to pick a candidate of his or her choice by voting during the NPP's flagbearership elections. The candidate with the most votes wins. This will give us the chance to pick the right people and the right presidential candidate, instead of the Party executives taking bribes to force unpopular candidates on the constituencies.

After this last Presidential elections, one thing that got me so upset for me to write this article is the fact that, HOW DOES A RULING PARTY in power or in control complaint about the" opposition party" cheating or rigging the elections? How does the tenant kick the landlord out of his own house? Why would NPP complaint about NDC cheating? This is to proof that NPP looks like wild dog but has no teeth to bite. Elders like Quayle,Hackman, Nana Akuffo Addo, Yaw Sarfo Marfo, Apraku and the rest need to retire and give room for the next generation. These people need to be retired to become statesmen, party elders and executives to lead NPP instead of them trying to become Presidents.No wonder why Macmanu and his cronies are ripping the party off. These greedy and for nothing good executive monster officers, need to be ousted before we get crucified again. Especially Macmanu, Ohene Ntow and Laud Commey.

We need to start grooming some of these honest men and young candidates and to push some of these old guard faces out. We need to run this Modern Ghana with modern people. We need modern men, effective, honest, God fearing, industrialist, technocrats like Dr.Kwabena Frimpong- Boateng and maybe somebody like Arthur Kennedy, and Dan Botwe.

Look at somebody like Dr. Kwabena Frimpong - Boateng. This selfless man is what we need to lead Ghana. Even though, I do not know this gentleman, but look at what he is contributing and the good name giving to Ghana with his medical professionalism. Among all the Presidential candidates of all the political Parties, he is the only one who actually contributing to Ghana government coffers. All of them are bunch of blood suckers squandering from Ghana government. Almost all of them live on Government entitlements. Ask each one of them of what they have contributed to Ghana and listen to what they will tell you of their stupid answers.Turn around and ask them what their party and the government have done for them, and listen to that answer. They're bunch of rhetoric blood suckers. The party and the government have done more for them than what they have done for the country.

Once upon a time, I read an article about Dr Frimpong -Boateng and his accomplishments in the medical and the bio-fuel field. It was really fascinating to see a germ like this living within our mist and we can't utilize him for the good of Ghana. Instead we talk about going to the back of the line until it's one's turn. NPP needs to abolish this foolish mentality and build different images for the party. We need to take care of the youth, the foot soldiers, and the poor people in the country.

The code word of "UP Tradition" should be scratched from our vocabulary. Which means going back to the end of the line until it gets to your turn is ridiculous. The "Yenim wo fri tete" concept is outdated and it doesn't work anymore. We need to find NEW WAYS OF DOING BUSINESS with ourselves and Ghana people.

There is a timing bomb about to explode among the NPP hierarchy. This war is going to be between J.A. Kuffour's group which is (Alan Kyeremateng's company) and Nana Akuffo Addo's group. Since this war is going to be so intense, I think NPP members should consider giving the next Flagbearer to a neutral person like Dr.Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng. If we want to win the next presidential election in 2012, the best strategy is to get rid of these two groups and give it to a neutral person. If we don't, we will go back in opposition for the next twenty years again. NPP, we must think. Don't let this turn into the Akems and the Ashantis issue. The right candidate is living among us. It is time to open our eyes and find him.

Let's vote for him to bring the party together.

Prince Akamani, Japan