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Opinions of Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Were the Recent Police Incursions Into Kumawu Financed by Kumawu DCE?

Since the dubiously arranged enthronement of Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene, the redeployments of armed police personnel to Kumawu on flimsiest excuses have become a common occurrence. The Ashanti Regional Police Commander, DCOP Nathan Kofi Boakye, is understandably manipulated by both Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Dr Yaw Sarfo, otherwise known as Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah, to act maliciously with intent to prop the position of Dr Yaw Sarfo.
Dr Yaw Sarfo has massively been rejected by not less than 95% of Kumawuman populace. They do not have anything to do with him as their Omanhene for various, but obvious reasons published in my previous write-ups. For the sake of those who might not have read those publications on the spelt-out reasons for the denunciation of Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah by Kumawuman citizens, please refer to the following internet/website link.
However, this particular publication is directed at investigating and informing the public of who has been sponsoring the completely frivolous police incursions into Kumawu to meddle unfairly in the Kumawu stool disputes.
My initial investigations have uncovered evidence of involvement of, and the sponsorship of the police by, the Kumawu District Chief Executive (DCE), Honourable Asiamah, an alumnus of Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School. He was a student of Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School in the 1970s, same as I was.
He spent GHc15, 000 (150 million old Cedis) on the police on their last incursion to Kumawu. They had purposely come to ensure that the popularly accepted Kumawuhene, Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V, a true descendant of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool, could not show up at the 1st week funeral celebration of the late Kumawu Kontrihene, Nana Peprah Koduah IV, although the actual date fell on the 40th day of his passing.
From where did he get this money to spend on the police? How and why was the money spent? Was the money taken from his earmarked Contingency Fund, if the District has any such fund at all? Was it taken from the funds set aside for other specifically designated projects? Was spending the mentioned sum of money on the police who had come to Kumawu for absolutely absurd reasons value for money, considering their intentional conflict-inciting actions displayed, and their biased services so rendered?
Honourable Asiamah, who has misapplied funds owing to his misplaced priorities, will be taken to task at the appropriate time. I am very much aware of some of his secret, but malevolent dealings. Was he not the very person who in year 2011 printed off my published articles on former President J. J. Rawlings; took them to be shown to him that I have been slandering him (J.J. Rawlings) on the internet/social media? He did this with the ulterior motive of obtaining sponsorship from J.J and his wife, Mrs Konadu Agyemang Rawlings. He was competing with one Mr Alex Adomako-Mensah for the NDC parliamentary primaries election for the Sekyere Afram Plains Constituency. He wanted to beat Alex at the election through simply undermining him before the Rawlingses who then wielded the power of "do or break" in the NDC party.
He told Rawlings, "Alex is a friend of Rockson. They have both teamed up to discredit you through Rockson's publications and here is the evidence", he tendered the printouts in. However, Rawlings snubbed him and chased him out of his presence. He saw Asiamah as being only petty.
Yes, Alex is a former fellow Londoner and one of the alumni of Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School (T.K.S.S).
In the end, Asiamah was disqualified at the primaries by the NDC General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, on the grounds that he, Asiamah, was a sitting Kumawu DCE and still contesting for the slot as NDC parliamentary candidate for Sekyere Afram Plains Constituency in a different district. Those two positions cannot be held simultaneously. He had first to resign as DCE before contesting for the parliamentary position. Upon all his criminal tactics and ploys resorted to, he never realised that the NDC internal policies debarred one from doing as just explained above.
Honourable Asiamah does never get his priorities right. This is just by the way.
There was absolutely no conflict in Kumawu between any rival traditional parties with regard to the celebration of the Akwasidee by the currently alleged two Kumawu chiefs. In the absence of any conflict, was the presence of the heavily armed policemen in Kumawu worthwhile?
Apart from the money so uselessly spent on them, the police caused a lot of inconvenience to the students of Kumawu Tweneboah Koduah Senior High School. I have highlighted in my other publications the plight of the students at the hands of the police during the entire duration that the police were temporarily provided accommodation on campus.
Honourable Asiamah in my opinion is a downright disgrace to the District when it comes to spending the district's funds. He is the same person who had spent One billion Ghana old Cedis (GHc100, 000) on an uncompleted fence wall around his official residence in Kumawu. The wall was not yet plastered yet; he had already spent the mentioned sum of money on it. This was around November 2012. One then asks how much at all was spent on the house itself that was built by Honourable Phillip Basoah, the MP for Kumawu Constituency. Phillip built the official residence for the DCE when he was himself the DCE of Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District. It did not cost him anywhere near a billon Cedis (old) to build it.
For the information of the public, the police are fabricating pure lies; by saying there was a conflict in Kumawu between the factions of Kumawuhemaa (Dr Yaw Sarfo) and that of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V. They further allege that if they had not come to Kumawu, the situation would likely have degenerated into bloodbath. This was never true. There was complete calm in Kumawu until they themselves started firing teargas and rubber/plastic bullets into the crowd. They started beating and arresting people. Even in the heat of their exhibited acts of criminality, nobody from the crowd retaliated.
A video will soon be placed on YouTube to show to the whole world how dishonest, biased and criminally-intent the police DCOP Kofi Boakye redeployed to Kumawu were.
Until then, let me ask, what at all may occur to someone that will incite him or her to prepare the list of names of persons to take to a fetish priest, juju man, prophet etc., requesting them to harm or kill those listed? This is food for thought.
Rockson Adofo