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Opinions of Monday, 26 August 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Wereko-Brobbey is Wishing NPP Malevolence

Dr Wereko-Brobbey Although Panicking, is Wishing NPP Malevolence

? It is about time the relatives of Dr Charles Wereko Brobbey bundled him, tied him up on the hands and legs, to secure him psychiatric attention or treatment. From his recent panicky actions which are on gradual progression, one can confidently deduce or tell that he is suffering from madman’s syndrome. ? ? The fact that Nana Akufo Addo is not corrupt, has never been, and will never be, scares Wereko Brobbey shitless. For his corrupt practices carried out while he was the boss at "Ghana at 50", he fears Nana Akufo Addo will hold him to account. Additionally, his personal hatred emanating from the issues involving his uncle, Victor Owusu, and William Ofori-Atta (Paa Willie), Nana’s father, he feels it proper to vent his anger on Nana to pacify the ghost of Victor Owusu. ? ? He is proud to call himself a PhD holder with all such rotten beliefs and corrupt practices. He has been soiling the reputation of the NPP, Nana Akufo Addo and insulting the intelligence of all discerning Ghanaians by his irresponsible crazy behaviours and utterances. ? ? How on earth would Nana go on war path knowing he will surely be declared the winner of Election 2012 case? The evidence is clear for even a fool to notice except the extreme fools of whom probably, Charles Wereko Brobbey is their head. How will Nana Addo be preaching peace and committing vices under the cover of darkness as presumed or asserted by Charles Brobbey? Nana will never preach peace while actually or secretly preparing for war. Nana has never dreamt about preparing for war let alone, going to war. It is a figment of imagination. ? ? The supporters of Nana of whom I am one of the champions, are saying, we need justice before peace. Justice comes with peace but not the vice versa. Is it not better to kill two birds with one stone rather than throwing two stones to kill one bird? With Justice in the driver’s seat, we have Peace for free passenger and the car is moving forward. But with the passenger in his seat and there being no driver, the car does not move. Wereko Brobbey should get this simple logic clear. ? ? Wereko Brobbey is a rented agent by the NDC to sow seeds of discord not only among the NPP family but also, among Ghanaians. He is on a mission to assist John Mahama and the NDC appear saints before Ghanaians and hence, be supported to win the Court case. The NDC could not employ any sensible person to do their dirty work for them but Charles Wereko Brobbey, a person who could not manage Volta River Authority. What good is in this disgraceful PhD holder who does not even know the composition of a common fridge? ? ? To the likes of mischievous Wereko Brobbey, I declare today without mincing words that Nana Akufo Addo has been ordained by God Almighty to rule Ghana. He has been pronounced the winner of Election 2012 Court case by God. If it was not so, God would not have revealed it to Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben in his dreams. Kofi Basoah’s dreams never fail. They always come to pass exactly as revealed when dreaming. ? ? For all the dirty works by Wereko Brobbey and his spiritually ex-communicated other NPP guys with Koku Anyidohu Margaret Jackson Nana Akua Tweneboah Koduah Afua Kuffour, they will never succeed. God has already made up His mind about Nana Akufo Addo emerging victorious to liberate Ghanaians from the shackles of thievery, corruption, hypocritical and selective justice, lawlessness and incompetence that Mahama and NDC have wrapped around our neck. ? ? Once again, I plead with the family members of Wereko Brobbey to get a neurologist to examine his brains for he does not behave like a normal person with a PhD degree to his credit. ? ? How much judgment debt payment has he received to do such a tedious job for the NDC? This man is a complete disgrace and insult to the intelligence of the people from Asante-Agona. What a blemish to my image as an Akan with a person like Wereko Brobbey belonging in the same tribe with me. ? ? Rockson Adofo