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Opinions of Sunday, 18 March 2018

Columnist: Issah Fuseini

Western Region did well in 2016 and need to do better 2020

Some NPP supporters Some NPP supporters

There is a saying that "character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Indeed character cannot be developed in ease and quite because Abdul Ganiyu Mohammed popularly known as *Western Bulldozer* has exhibited his desire to work for the new patriotic party without any inducement.

The next elections need experience and hard working people like *Abdul Ganiyiu and his working colleagues like Francis Ndede Siah and Charles Onuawunto Bissue* to partner in increasing the current numbers of seats acquired by these same hardworking individuals in 2016. The above mentioned individuals have sacrifice their lives, time, money and everything in life to bring the party back to power. In my own opinion, which I know most of you will agree with me, it will be unfair to vote against people who have sacrifice their lives for the party at the time people were not ready support.

I will work hard to support every candidate that is seeking for reelection, but will not unveil myself to sycophants who are contesting because the party is in power. I remember when the party needed them most to support moblise and recruit polling stations agents and human resource to enable the party win the 2016 general election, was a problem to the party because of the diseases called *opposition*. Today, people who were protecting their jobs against the party predicaments, are now unveiling themselves to lead the party, my question here is, what has change? Don't you need to protect your work again? There is a saying that “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.”

I'm only writing this piece to remind ourselves how people have infiltrated into the our political landscape because their opportunistic caliber in life. Our delegate are not gullible or unguided to go out there start picking people who have not held any position close to constituency leadership. I suggested earlier that the party should implement the proposal that suggest that, every member of the who want to contest regional position must first of all go through polling station, electoral area , constituency leadership before he/she is qualified to contest as a regional executive. Our failure to sometimes have good leaders is as a results of not scrutinizing our candidates well in terms of experience and dedication to the party before electing them into office. Others sometimes abandoned the party and go into greener pastures, amass wealth without contributing anything to support the party, after getting the resources, he comes to buy people vote.

The new patriotic party in western region has three pillars, the pillars are, *the chairman, the secretary and the organizer*. These three positions need not to be toil with, we need strong and vibrant people to handle such a strategic position without compromising it with fake materials. Let's remember that weak pillars stand to collapse when much pressure is mounted on it. We must not jeopardize the success of the party in Ghana exchange for goodies. A word to the wise is enough for good listeners. Thank you.