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Opinions of Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Columnist: Ocran, Kobbi V. Kra

What Drunken Sailors and Politicians in Ghana Have In Common

Ghana’s democracy and its imaginary virtues of “championing the poor and bringing development to their doorstep” is a fairytale. The nation's democratic promises are rotten goods sold above its market value to a destitute public. The nation’s incredulity is further exposed by its willingness to allow political villains shape its destiny. Matter of fact, the dismal performance of the present leadership is proof that the opportunity to govern the nation was just by coincidence.

As the years go by, the nation’s stature on the international scene is slowly receding. Despite the many unnecessary travels by the President and other countless photo-opportunities in Western capitals, our economy continues to milk on the udders of the international charities. The show-and-tell preaching of the “Golden Age of Business,” has brought minimal Direct Foreign Investment. On the contrary, the nation is witnessing an unprecedented boom in narco-business with certain national personas serving as patrons. The release of the Narco-5 amid incriminating evidence underscores the string pulling that bedevils our nation’s politics. Those who dare to call for justice are either vilified as ethno-miscreants and threaten with brimstone. Under the present administration, Freedom and Justice, died with Kwame Nkrumah and any effort to resuscitate it is perceived as an attack on the government.

Our politicians haven't the capacity to lead the country and its people anywhere; they are outclassed and outrun by trends in the world economy that are beyond the ability of the Ghanaian political class. The market economy - globalization, extremely powerful, overwhelming in scope and span is remaking the world in ways that far surpass the understanding of any political party or leader in Ghana right now, yet we as people of this nation-Ghana buy their misrepresentation and follow their attempts to divide and rule along ethnic lines religiously.

Most of our leaders have failed badly; most had the chance for good education in Ghana passed down by our colonial masters and continuation abroad. That’s why Jake does not need a certificate to be minister, the little (good quality though) gain from Ghana is serving him very well; yet they have made mockery of the saying “travel and see”. Some have taken “travel and see” literally to the point that even at their highest political and human level, they still travel to far flung countries for the sake of it rather than finding solutions to problems at home and learn nothing they can bring back home from those expensive travels.

They measure national development by how many millions of dollars in AID they can beg for; they judge their achievements by how many photo opportunities they have with the likes of George Bush, from a country that has it all. The most stupid statement I ever heard was when one old school friend deputy minister said, and I quote “Oh the president and country are doing well, even George Bush and the IMF say so”. I could not believe my ears, that this highly educated and very smart class mate of mine has finally lost his marbles like the others, oh yes I did tell him so (we’re still friends by the way).

Before we can start changing Ghana we first need to take a close look at our education system both at home and in the classroom; for this education is what helps shape our future in this era of globalization. We are producing no good quality graduates needed to propel the nation forward. Students are studying subjects that have no relevance in developing a nation. Those who study anything worthy of mention are being short changed as well. How in this day and age do students graduate from university, having studied computer science yet never actually developed anything computing or scientific and never thought the basic principles of project management?

We have students studying international business or business management who are not being thought anything about business planning or how to even interpret a business plan, let alone write one. It is sad and hurtful that we as a nation are letting our kids, brothers and sisters down. By way of a dysfunctional education system we are excluding them from this highly competitive world.

No one in NDC, NPP or any party in my view; yet has what it takes to turn this country round and those who stand a slim chance of making something out of what we have, are hugely out numbered they will end up joining in the looting. It will take a concerted effort of smart individuals if there are any from different parties to make it work. After all Kufour had all the good intentions, the guy is genuine (I really do believe so) yet has turned corrupt by association. Under this president and party’s watch Narco business has now become fashionable and seeping through what should have been neutral sections of society we all turn for advice, I’m sure you all know what I mean. Walk onto many university campuses or water holes/chill out places of Ghana and one can buy coke, crack or funny cigarettes I believe they’re called weed.

Is this the nation we want to build? Let’s stop in our tracks now and take a different direction together, irrespective of colour, tribe, clan, religion, sexual orientation, status in society and most importantly the haves and strong should protect the have-not and weak along the way. The most critical and important paradigm of democracy is for the fears of the minority grouping never to come true; the fear of being victimized and scared in their own country as we are witnessing now. We should let no politician use our diverse ethnicity to cover up their own failings, and by this I mean every politician from all parties, as they all stand equally guilty as charged.

My personal appeal to the president is this. Please in your last two years take a step back from your entrenched position of we the people can have our say and the president and is not so wise men can have their way. Listen to all of us and make informed decision for the sake of our nation, step outside your inner circle filled with the likes of a disorientated Bartels for one minute and come talk to us the people; you’ll be amazed the number of us who want to help for free but have been marginalized.

"Folks before you vote in 2008 please remember a decorated donkey is still an ass". Let’s not vote for politicians who use voters like a drunken sailor uses a lamp post......just for support rather than Illumination

Kobbi V. Kra Ocran
Free Thinker

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