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Opinions of Friday, 8 October 2010

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

What Is Daily Guide Crying & Wincing About?

Nana Biakoye

It is ipso fact that Akufo-Addo is struggling very hard to fly his moribund campaign; especially with the plethora of drug addiction allegations hanging around his neck.

Akufo-Addo, since 2008, when his bid to lead the NPP popped up the drug addiction allegations, has not been able to give any convincing reason to suggest that the allegations are untrue.

To make matters worse for Akufo-Addo, one of his daughters, Fumy Gyankoma Akufo-Addo, via her drunken stupor ways, has confirmed the failure of Akufo-Addo to be a responsible father and how Akufo-Addo cannot run away from his domestic problems.
The question is; if a man cannot take care of his domestic matters, should he be allowed to run the affairs of Ghana aground? Certainly not!!
Thinking that the 2012 election will move away from the drug matter and the personality of those who will be seeking to lead the nation, the likes of Daily Guide, are getting extremely frustrated because the matter does not seem to be dying.
Indeed, from the look of things, the drug allegation matter is taking a new and different life path; reason for which Daily Guide is crying, wincing, and panicking.
Daily Guide would like to hide its fear and panic behind the illusionary thinking that the NDC is afraid of Akufo-Addo, but the more they attempt to hide their fear and panic, the more they make it obvious that they are afraid and panicking that the drug matter will sink Akufo-Addo just as it sunk him in 2008.
NDC afraid of Akufo-Addo? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Even when Akufo-Addo was strutting around like the President; using motorcades and strong military cum police escorts in 2008, the NDC was not afraid of him.
If anything; it was Kufuor and his Ashanti cabal who were afraid of Akufo-Addo.
So if the NDC was able to whip Akufo-Addo when he was pretending to be President, why should we be afraid of him when he has been stripped off all his so-called powers?
Three days ago, the Media Analysts Group (MAG) – a group of young men who believe in social democracy and belong to the center-left of political thinking, held a press conference and threw up some legitimate questions about Akufo-Addo’s alleged addiction to drugs as well as the issue of Fummy Gyankromah Akufo-Addo’s deviant and wayward behavior.
The MAG is asking Akufo-Addo to come out and address the issues at hand and stop playing the ostrich because until he openly addresses the issues, he should stop dreaming of becoming President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana.
It is these legitimate concerns from a group of legitimate Ghanaians, that has angered the Daily Guide.
The Daily Guide cannot understand that Ghanaians have the right to ask legitimate questions about the character of those who want to be given the mandate to lead Ghana.
As far as the Daily Guide is concerned, Ghanaians should leave Akufo-Addo alone and allow him to continue to indulge in his unacceptable acts.
Is it not interesting that Daily Guide, which asked so many silly questions about the ability of Prez Mills to govern, is today pontificating about the need to keep the political landscape clean? Laughable piety!
Of course, what is dirty about asking a Presidential Candidate whether he smokes wee or not?
What is dirty about asking a Presidential Candidate whether he sniffs cocaine or not?
What is dirty about asking a Presidential Candidate whether his daughter is a drunkard cum junkie?
If Daily Guide has mortgaged its conscience to Akufo-Addo and the NPP, the MAG has not mortgaged its conscience and so will aks legitimate questions in the greater interest of Ghana.
Is it not ironical that while the Daily Guide is sermonsing about the need to play the politics above board, the same paper decides to hurl insults at the MAG?
Is this not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
If you ask us, we will say that Daily Guide must “GO WAY YOU!!!” and stop crying and wincing because their beloved Akufo-Addo is being stripped naked.
The destiny of Ghana must not be toyed with and so we cannot afford to hand this nation over to people who are either hooked onto drugs; have children who are junkies; have in-laws who are drug barons; and have a strong relationship with international drug barons.
Ghana belongs to all of us and for as long as right-thinking persons continue to outnumber those who have replaced their brain cells with their stomachs and pockets, we will continue to confront Akufo-Addo with the real issues no matter how Daily Guide feels.
Indeed, the ugly and stinking feelings of Daily Guide mean nothing to right-thinking Ghanaians and so the paper can write all the tosh it wants; it would not stop MAG and other Ghana-loving groups from asking Akufo-Addo to tell us whether he is hooked on drugs or not.
It is extremely interesting the way when the circumstances suits Daily Guide, the paper wants to sound holier than the Pope.
But as KSM continues to say; truth crushed to the ground, shall always rise again.
Talking about KSM, he was man enough to admit openly that he has a son who had problems with drugs but is recovering.
That is the mark of man!
Kudos to KSM for being a man; that is the kind of person we want to be in the public domain.
We don’t want junkie cowards who are unable to tell the whole world that they have a problem with drugs.
And it such low-lying cowards that the Daily Guide is defending and hoping to foist on Ghanaians? Torfiakwa!!!!
Daily Guide; stop the cry baby nonsense and stand up and get ready for the war ahead for because you guys are not going be able to hide your non-flying candidate behind the façade of wanting an above-the-board campaign when given the chance, you would say more horrible things about decent Ghanaians.
Akufo-Addo; speak ooo speak, for the silence is making matters worse for you.
Nana Biakoye
(The True Patriot)