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Opinions of Sunday, 25 September 2016

Columnist: Allotey, Henry Nii Kpakpo

What N.D.C incompetence truly mean

President John Mahama President John Mahama

Allotey Henry Nii Kpakpo

1. Incompetence is when Woyome with no contract is able to fleece GHC 51,000,000 from the state without the government doing anything to retrieve the cash despite a court order.

The high court, court of appeal and the supreme have all ruled that Woyome should pay the money back to the state. Why hasn’t Mahama and his N.D.C government made any effort to retrieve the stolen money from Alfred Agbesi Woyome? Because the N.D.C is hopelessly incompetent and grossly unable to implement simply court judgment!

2. Incompetence is when John Mahama goes to the North and tells Northerners to vote for him because he is one of them. Such divisive talk of promoting regionalism and tribalism is so dangerous that it could create a civil war. Mahama as incompetent as he is couldn’t think through this dangerous pronouncement. That is the sign of incompetence!!

3. Incompetence is when John Mahama pays GHC 1,500,000 to Selasie Ibrahim for a bus branding contract which was worth just GHC 15,000!! How can any competent administration inflate a contract price by 9,900%??? Only a hopelessly incompetent administration will do that!

4. Incompetence is when somebody with a work experience of only a dining hall prefect is appointed as a Deputy Minister of State! This clearly shows that the N.D.C administration if bereft of competent people to manage the affairs of the country. Such incompetence!

5. Incompetence is when President Mahama claims to be building the foundation of our country despite being in power for 8 years! How can Singapore take 8 years to reach a middle income status while John Mahama has used this same 8 years to build only the foundation of the country? This is grossly incompetent!

6. Incompetence is when Nayele Ametefe is escorted through the VVIP lounge of our airport to traffic drugs to U.K and ends up in jail. The government tried to cover this shameful act with Hanna Tetteh, the foreign affairs minister issuing an initial denial of the arrest and subsequently admitting to it when the truth was laid bare! Only an incompetent N.D.C administration will commit this grave error.

7. Incompetence is when the head of airport security Samuel Adelaquaye is busted in the states for trafficking in narcotic drugs. As head of security, can we imagine how many drug couriers would be allowed to traffic drugs through the airport when the head of airport security is himself a drug dealer?

8. Incompetence is when a sod was cut to commission the building of houses under the auspices of STX Korea yet not even a single house was produced. Military men were ferried to parliament to witness the sod cutting yet were left grossly disappointed!

9. Incompetence is when Mahama grants Presidential pardon to a group of hooligans who have threatened to rape and murder the Chief Justice of land! These hooligans who are known as the Muntie 3 were convicted by the Supreme Court for criminal contempt yet the President freed them! Only an incompetent President frees people who threaten our judiciary!

10. Incompetence is when $15,000,000 of SADA money was used to raise Guinea fowls in the North and yet not one has been accounted for up till today!! Can you imagine a worse incompetent government like this N.D.C administration??

These are but a few of the N.D.Cs gross display of incompetence that I will enumerate here. The N.D.C is the most incompetent administration ever to have plagued our dear nation and must be strongly rejected in the coming polls! Nana Addo is the only hope for Ghana now!!

Writer's: [email protected]