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Opinions of Thursday, 20 February 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

What a Spiritual Stalemate Between a Man of God and Manhyia Palace

– Who Will Emerge Victorious

The ping-ponging accusations, demand for public apology and retraction of perceived false prophecy, refusal to budge etc., between Rev. Owusu Bempah and the Manhyia Palace is interesting watching. The situation is reminiscent of the biblical incident that occurred between Prophet Elijah and the Baal prophets during the reign of King Ahab of Israel – 1 Kings 18.


I am personally not interested in how the standoff turns out. I am rather more interested in studying the causes of the problem, finding lasting solutions to avoid the recurrence of same shameful situation.


Let us be advised that the last thing one should wish on their rival or enemy is death. Why do I say this? It is because death is an inevitable journey that any human being currently walking the surface of the earth, born or unborn, will take to, at a point in their life; no matter how blessed they are with prosperous and healthy longevity.


Why then would some people wish Otumfuo Osei Tutu II dead, as if physical death is reserved for only detestable sinners but not every earthly living object with humans inclusive? If we do understand death as purposed by God Almighty for humans and all living things, nobody would ever jubilate at the demise of their enemy let alone, their neighbour or leader.


When I was recuperating from some illness that for some time incapacitated me, depressing my propensity to publish my views on on-going socio-politico-economic issues in Ghana, I learnt from radio phone-in callers contributing to radio programmes about the alleged demise of Otumfuo. They were saying rumours about his death were rife on the social networks.


In the end, it all turned out to be farce; the figment of a malevolent person’s imagination. However, Rev. Prophet Owusu Bempah has waded into the melee with his own version of the story that borders on spirituality. He has given credence to the rumour even though he was not the originator of it. God did reveal the death of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and his centenarian mother, Nana Afua Kobi, the queen of Ashantis, to him. Nonetheless, he prayed for both to avert their untimely death.


For what the Prophet has declared publicly, some are those treating him as a Doomsday prophet, an attention-seeking prophet, a quack prophet and all sorts of derogatory names. The Nsumankwaahene of the Ashantis is threatening to curse him by invoking the spirits of the lesser gods in the Ashanti region, the spirits of the departed souls and the spirit of the Golden Stool on him if he did not apologise to Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II for seeking to legalize the rumour.


The Prophet has categorically refused to do as obliged, hence the likelihood of the manifestation of spiritual contest simulative of that of biblical Elijah and the Baal prophets between Manhyia Palace and him. What a showdown that will be!


What did Otumfuo do to warrant the propagation of that mischievous rumour that spread within seconds of its birth like a wild mid-Summer (harmattan) bush fire? According to one radio presenter in Kumasi, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II flew out of Kumasi airport aboard the Presidential aircraft to South Africa. Is Otumfuo using the Presidential jet again? I only hope it was not true.


Was it not his use of the same aircraft that sought to justify his alleged role played in the wake of the unprecedented disgraceful and most dangerous verdict with far reaching repercussions as pronounced by Supreme Court Justice Atuguba on Election 2012 petition? Why would he at all seek to further avail himself of the elevation and enjoyment that go with flying aboard the Presidential plane so sooner?


Is he that too obstinate not to learn lessons from bitter experiences? I hope it is not true that he did use the Presidential plane. The radio presenter alleged Otumfuo’s use of the plane made people think he was very ill and needed to be flown out of the country quickly to seek urgent and better medical treatment in South Africa. With this scene vividly in the minds of people, a little spark made it all too credible for people to believe the subsequent rumour.


Ghanaian leaders with Otumfuo inclusive should cease seeking medical treatment and routine medical checks abroad. They should go to the same hospitals as frequented by all Ghanaians in Ghana. Why do they often go abroad, especially South Africa? It is because Ghana hospitals have become death-traps and places of "GO AND NOT RETURN" to many Ghanaian patients.


If the leaders start using the home and local hospitals and clinics, they will ensure the government pumps money into the medical services to guarantee every Ghanaian a quality medical care but not the type of the prevailing NHIS CAPITATION HEALTHCARE in the Ashanti region.


On the other hand, do they have secret business investments in South Africa that makes our leaders frequent that country that much?


I hope Manhyia Palace will end the needless escalation of the feud between them and Prophet Owusu Bempah and whoever might have started the misguided rumour.


It is about time Otumfuo became wary of his actions and minded his footsteps, looking before he leaps. Gone are the days when our traditional kings wielded autocratic powers and could do as they wished at the crack of the finger.


Those advising Otumfuo should not only tell him what he wants to hear but also, what he needs to hear. His advisers are to be blamed for any faux pas made by Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.


A WORD TO THE WISE IS ENOUGH. I shall be back so stay tuned.


Rockson Adofo
