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Opinions of Monday, 18 April 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

What a big joker President Mahama is!

President John Dramani Mahama although has eyes as big as those of “aprenkensema”, he can’t see. He has ears as big and flabby as those of the elephant, yet he cannot hear. He has a mouth as small as those of the Whiteman, yet he can chirp like a hungry bird or bleat louder than the sheep.

He goes out telling the whole nation that he has stabilised the economy of Ghana; carried out unprecedented infrastructural development in the country that is only second to none. He has surpassed the achievements of Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of the Republic of Ghana, he says.

He does not cease telling his hearers, that bunch of NDC propagandists and those they intend to deceive that he has achieved, or done a lot to better the living standard/conditions of Ghanaians. These people applaud him when he makes such seemingly wild-goose chase statements and declarations. They know in their heart of hearts that the President is lying between his sharp Dracula fangs (teeth).

Yes, he could possibly have bettered the living conditions of a few Ghanaians who are members of his family, members of his government and their relatives, cronies, the dishonest and visionless traditional leaders e.g. some paramount chiefs, and some well placed members of the NDC party, e.g. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Koku Anyidohu and Kofi Adams.

He has definitely bettered the standard of living of his rented agents and assigns including media houses and personalities like Kwesi Pratt Jnr of the Insight Newspaper, Adakabre and Kwame Nkrumah Tikesie of Okay and Neat FM radio stations.

However, the majority of Ghanaians within the region of 99% are suffering if they would be honest with themselves to tell the truth. They have all become victims of the economic hardships visited upon them by the incompetence, lack of farsightedness, obvious perpetration of corruption, practice of selective justice and the fondness for telling lies, by President John Dramani Mahama.

Where the President and his government have not built a school, hospital or road, they claim to have carried out such projects manifold. Where he has constructed a kilometre of a road, he claims to have constructed miles upon miles of a first class road in the area. No wonder that Baba Jamal, a Deputy Minister in his Government, once advised the NDC faithful to go out to lie to the public saying, “If President Mills gives you a sheep, tell people it is a bull. When he gives you a fowl (cock or hen), tell whoever asks you that he has given you a sheep and when you are given an old small car (old banger), tell them he has given you a brand new 4 x 4 car”

President Mahama, being a Christian who fellowships with the Assemblies of God, is not expected by his Christian faith to tell blatant lies yet, he lies in the same manner as he breaths. God is watching him from above and laughing “hahahahahaa” at his shenanigans, probably saying to Himself, poor soul, the earthly day of reckoning (7 November 2016) is just around the corner.

President Mahama is only tickling himself and laughing if he does shamelessly go round telling Ghanaians that he has performed better than any other President in the political history of Ghana. This statement of his is an affront to the intelligence of all serious and discerning Ghanaians.

Yes, he might have done better than any other Ghanaian President in the field or area of perpetration and perpetuation of corruption, the bane of economic prosperity of any nation in the world.

Ghanaians will sorry to say, be very stupid, should we allow him to ride on lies to get our votes free to re-elect him President of Ghana come 7th November 2016. He thinks we are ignorant so he can play on our intelligence any day any time. Had he not said, “Ghanaians have a short memory?” How do we understand him by that? He means to tell us no matter what he does to us, painful and nonsensical as they may be, Ghanaians will soon forget about them, especially, when he gives one a few milk-size tins full of rice, or one or two tins of sardine and a 10 or a 20 Cedi note during his electioneering campaign and obliges the person to swear by certain deities, rivers or gods that they will vote for him and his party. He will cleverly force them to invoke curse on themselves saying in the event of failing to vote for him after accepting the negligible bribes, the deities, gods or the powers of the rivers must kill them.

Ghanaians, please tell President “joker” Mahama to perish with the bribe he and his party may try to give to you with intent to buy your votes cheaply during the elections. Do not cheapen yourselves for you are not that cheap but precious in the sight of God.

Did Apostle Peter not similarly rebuke Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 20:19-21 …19saying, "Give this authority to me as well, so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit?" 20But Peter said to him, "May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! 21"You have no part or portion in this matter, for your heart is not right before God…”

Fellow Ghanaians, do not allow President Mahama and his NDC cronies who have stolen the nation’s money to become the better offs to deceive you by their lies. Assess your circumstances to see if you are indeed better off under President Mahama. Be a judge unto yourself, if indeed President Mahama has improved your standard of living since he ascended to the presidency of Ghana – dumsor, salaries of teachers and nurses not being paid for months if not years, constant increases in petroleum products with concomitant increases in transportation fares when oil prices are rather generally coming down on the world market etc.

I entreat all sensible and ordinary Ghanaians, irrespective of your political affiliations (NPP, NDC, PPP etc.), to vote for a change by voting OUT President Mahama and his NDC government and party come election 2016. We are sick and tired of the economic hardships he has brought to bear upon Ghanaians through deliberate acts of corruption, nepotism and inherent incompetence and short-sightedness.

Here I come to face you in a head-on collision, President “joker” Mahama.

My Ghanaian compatriots please stay-tuned for more “eye-opening” truthful revelations about how President Mahama and the NDC have ruined not only the economy, but also, the lives of innocent poor Ghanaians.

Rockson Adofo