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Opinions of Thursday, 6 October 2016

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

What a vital and must-hear recorded message

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By Rockson Adofo

To all Ghanaians, especially those going to exercise their franchise come 7th December 2016 general election, may the peace of God be unto you. Amen.

As it has always been my dream and philosophy to leave the world better than I came to find it hence doing the right things as I am known for, and continually aspiring to do more, I have consequently decided today to share some views with you on the impending election.

I am sure most of you who will readily, or have the opportunity to, listen to my message, do have the same vision and aspiration to make the world, and more precisely Ghana, our motherland, a better place not only to live in but also, to bequeath to the successive future generations. If this is your good intention, then my message as hereby revealed, with many more to follow can help you realise that objective very easily.

Anyone who receives this message either through the Ghana internet news portals or WhatsApp, should please inform their colleagues and wider family members and, or forward the link to them. This is because the message should by your help, be able to reach every Ghanaian in every nook and cranny.

Everyone should please listen to the message as though I am addressing him or her as a single individual. This is because I am trying to reason with you as a group of individuals.

The message is contained in the web link below that must be copied into the “address bar” of your internet web page to continue from there to be able to listen to it. You will find it really informative and also very educative should you approach it objectively.

It is my wish that most, if not all of the media houses and anyone coming across it, will help with its dissemination.