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Opinions of Thursday, 18 June 2020

Columnist: Professor Peter Twumasi

What delegates should consider during Saturday’s NPP parliamentary primaries

Professor Peter Twumasi is a Political Research Consultant Professor Peter Twumasi is a Political Research Consultant

Once again we have arrived at another stage in our multi-party democratic process to elect Parliamentary Candidates to lead the ruling NPP Party in the upcoming December 7, 2020 general elections.

This primaries to be held this weekend is quite unique especially from the last two when NPP was in opposition. Equally, the considerations to be made by delegates must be different to safeguard the NPP-led government. Simply put, “we have A government to protect”.

The following are some of the essential considerations that delegates in all constituencies with sitting MPs must consider before casting their votes on Saturday, June 20, 2020.

1. That the NPP political party is in power now with President Nana Akufo-Addo as flagbearer seeking reelection to serve his second term.

2. That the MPs of NPP who are also in their first term like the President must be given the chance to lead the party for a second term in office. This will make the message of the party to seek Second Term for the President and his government meaningful to Ghanaian voters

. Anything contrary will arm the opposition parties especially NDC to aggressively advocate for truncation of the President’s term to make him one-term President. Since the Fourth Republic Constitution began in 1992, Ghanaians have come to terms with the belief that one term of 4 years is inadequate to demonstrate achievements of a President or a Member of Parliament.

Many projects mature in the second term of an elected or appointed official, be it Executive or Legislature. The only exceptions are in situations where an MP or a President performance is abysmally poor or his actions wholly inimical to the agenda of the party. Or where the sitting MP disregarded similar ethics during previous election that brought him or her to power. Notwithstanding, granting an MP or President a Second Term is extremely important especially for a party in power.

3. That monetary and material inducement should not override critical interests of the party’s success in the December general elections; and

4. That the NPP party should remain united after the primaries to maintain the confidence the general public have in the ruling party to grant the second term.

NPP has the vast electoral experience to conduct the upcoming elections creditably, and free of violence and acrimony. The delegates always prove to understand the dynamics in the party at different times. It is my fervent belief that delegates will take these factors espoused here into consideration in deciding who lead the constituencies into this year’s general elections for the victory of the ruling NPP Party.