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Opinions of Thursday, 8 March 2018

Columnist: Issah Fuseini

What does sacrifice means to NPP?

Deputy Chief of Staff Francis Asenso Deputy Chief of Staff Francis Asenso

Everyone knows the beautiful story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. How this noble father led his child to the slaughter; how Isaac meekly submitted; how the farce went on till the lad was bound and laid on the altar, and how God then stopped the murder, and blessed the intending murderer for his willingness to commit the crime.

I'm extremely surprise to hear some people talking about sacrifice and make it look as if sacrifice is like putting yourself on the alter for party executives or members to slaughter. If we are to talk of sacrifice, Francis Asenso should not be left out, he has sacrifice his time, his career, his future and his life by touring the whole country with the President. He has sacrifice with the president when everybody was afraid to do so, many people were hiding behind closed doors to protect their jobs when others felt the need to show up and take the mantle whether good or bad. Today, people who did nothing but sell their product and get back their profit are talking about sacrifice, who is Hajia Fati? What was her role in 2016? What was her contribution to the success of the party? Was she not the one putting the party in news for bad reasons? Was that a sacrifice? Our TESCON Founder, Francis Asenso, please don't response, she doesn't deserve your response.

The party is now in power, we can now hear those who were hiding behind closed doors claiming they threw support to the party are now throwing their weight about. Our party must be careful with the way we treat our own people who have lay down their lives for the party during our hard times in opposition. Voluntary groups have sacrifice their jobs, lives, monies and energy in bringing the party to power, yet same people faith are still hanging in the balance. Human skull is like a poor man's purse, no one knows what it contains, except him, I wonder what is running through their minds as party members. Will they accept our proposal by going back to the grassroots to appeal for electorate votes since they themselves have paralyse and have their hopes dash to dogs?

My humble appeal to the authority is simple, the government should as matter of urgency recruit all members who are willing to work under public sector into the police service to close or fill the gap of police to population ratio. It was part of our manifesto promised and Ghanaian will have problem with that side. I further suggest that those will to join the field of entrepreneurship must be train and equip to employ more people to reduce the area of unemployment and rebuild our strong desire in building capitalism as focus of building a strong economy.

Numerous calls and plight of our party members have left some of us frustrated and has compel me write this piece. I hope that the party will not turndown it members plight, but the question is, how long will they keep waiting with our colleagues from the NDC keep chuckling them anytime they see them? Mr. President, your financial minister is very slow on clearing finances for various jobs position, even though we all witness the nature of economy that was left behind by former president Mahama and his NDC administration. But I believed something can still be done about our plight as various groups are left to their faith.

I cannot conclude without thanking the Chief Executive Office of Youth Employment Agency, Hon. Justine Koduah. He took over as the acting boss when the institution was in total despair, full of financial malfeasance and other shameful conducts. Due to dedication to service and sharp display of nationalism by Lawyer Justine Koduah and his management, YEA is back to the path of efficiency and relevance. He has play his party as an executive officer by absorbing most our youth into the Youth Employment models and still continue to do so. But the problem is about those with degree certificate, how are we absorbing such people into the system? The government must create space to absorb members who are on our doorsteps with their CV's begging to serve mother Ghana.