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Opinions of Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Columnist: Amidu Chinnia

What is Hopeson Adorye saying?

Hopeson Adorye, leading member of the NPP Hopeson Adorye, leading member of the NPP

We are a relevant minority group in the party, we may not have huge numbers but the party can not win any election in Ghana if our contributions are taken out.

Just take the current parliament as a case study. If you take out the three MPs from Upper West Region alone, the NPP will be a minority party in parliament. Add MPs from the other four regions in the north and you will appreciate our contribution as a minority group in the party. This is also applicable to the popular votes so stop discounting our desire to get the number one position in the party and not number two this time.

When Dombo ceded leadership of the UP to Dr. Busia he controlled majority of the MPs because the Northern Peoples Party brought more MPs than Dr. Busia did. Dombo did so in the interest of the party and Ghana and people must learn to reciprocate the good gestures. Dombo did it for the south so the south can do it for the north this time

The campaign should be based on issues and not discriminatory comments. Hopeson Adorye, come again".