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Opinions of Monday, 28 March 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

What is the hidden agenda of Mrs Charlotte Osei?

The Chair of the Ghana Electoral Commission, Ms Charlotte Osei, seems to be playing with the lives of the ordinary Ghanaians due to her perceived unholy alliance with President Mahama and the NDC party. She is obstinate in her biased ways. All indications show how that she is entrenched in assisting NDC retain power come election 2016. However, she must bear in mind that "Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill"
She has been resisting all the best admonitions to her to prepare a new voter register but only to side with the dubious propositions or resistance by the NDC. She selects people to form committees or onto panels to come up with ideas and formulations towards organising election 2016. Nonetheless, she does not state how, and the criteria for selecting those individuals that she selects. The people she selects always end up to be affiliated to the NDC either in whole or in their majority.
From her intransigence, and methods of selecting members onto her ill-conceived and criminally-minded panels, with the ulterior motive of fooling the discerning ordinary Ghanaians, I am compelled to state my views to her as they must be told.
Charlotte Osei does not care about the current and ever degrading state of Ghana. She does not care about the ever increasing socio-economic plight of the ordinary Ghanaian. All she cares about is her stomach and how to acquire fame and power. She does not care about how the ramifying corruption in Ghana has dented the image and the international standing of Ghana.
If she thinks her Commission is independent from the controls of Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary, why then is she dubiously forming panels upon panels of people to assist her guarantee the Ghanaian electorates a supposedly credible election 2016? She is only fooling herself by her formation of Committees intended to throw dust into the eyes of Ghanaians. She wants us to believe she is being fair, a woman of integrity, whereas her heart is miles away from the truth and fairness.
About three days ago, I heard Dr Charles Wereko Brobbey grant live interview to that greenhorn radio presenter called Kwame Nkrumah Tikesee. He was rumbling in his usual nonsensically mischievous manner. He was saying that Charlotte Osei is right to do whatever she wants because the law has granted the Electoral Commission the independence to conduct elections in the way and manner she wants. He went further to claim that the Chair of the Electoral Commission has the right not to explain herself to anyone how she selects people onto the committees or panels she forms to help the Commission conduct election 2016.
No wonder Tarzan made a fool of himself, becoming an autocrat at Volta River Authority, failed as an Energy Minister and shamefully relieved of his post. No wonder he was arraigned for causing financial mess as the Director of Ghana CAN 50 with the entire attendant thievery inflicted on Ghana by Alfred Agbesi Woyome. This is the man who is supporting Charlotte Osei in toto in her biases and plots to rig election 2016 for her master, President Mahama.
Charles claims to have mounted a platform in London to speak against the then Prime Ministerial candidate or Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher when he was a student in England. Why did he speak against her?
Ghana is collapsing but for what he gets as a person, the trademark of the selfishness of the Ghanaian, he does not give a hoot. What is wrong about the Electoral Commission being requested to compile a new credible voter register? It is only dubious people with dubious motives and agenda that are scared of Ghana having a credible voter register to conduct a free and fair election. This fear was once expressed by that Alhaji Bature, the owner and Editor-in-Chief of that substandard AL-Hajj newspaper.
Let it be known to the Chair of the Electoral Commission, Ms Charlotte Osei that if it has ever crossed her mind to be biased, or has the intention to be biased, or has the ulterior motive to help one party or person win election 2016, hence not being fair in the way she is conducting her activities toward the organising of election 2016, then let the following be her portion. As the blood of Abel cried unto the Most High God when his senior brother Cain killed him, so do I request the same Most High God to let all the curses and afflictions in the bible be the inseparable portion of Charlotte Osei, the current Ghana's Head of the Electoral Commission, if she has it in her mind to help any political party rig election 2016 by her policies and intransigence. The curse must be generational; starting from the womb that conceived her through to the third generation of her matrilineal/patrilineal family. If she has no such intentions, then she is free and there should be no cause for alarm.
We should not sit by while some rogues and criminals toy with the lives of the ordinary suffering Ghanaians. Whoever wants to take the rogues on through other powerful juju means can do so to teach them bitter lessons.
They are a disgrace to mother Ghana. Charlotte, I am going to devote some time to express my views about you. In the meantime, be ashamed of your prejudices. Do you think you are wiser than all Ghanaians?
Rockson Adofo