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Opinions of Saturday, 27 February 2021

Columnist: Joel Savage

What is the significance of a Cathedral and the legalization of homosexuality to Akufo-Addo?

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

It is only a psychologist that can explain why some politicians live a false life but want the common people to believe they are indeed good people and also why politicians are quick to accuse the opposition of corruption, yet, once in power they do the same thing.

In Africa or Ghana, there is no politician that is not corrupt. It is the massive corruption scandals the administration of NDC was involved in that cost the party and the leader John Mahama his presidential ambitions in 2016, bringing in NPP’s new president in the name of Nana Akufo-Addo.

The new NPP government begins the governmental affairs with attacks, blaming the NDC for ruining the economy and of corruption. Akufo-Addo appointed over a hundred ministers to manage the state affairs of the country.

It was during the time Ghana faces both political and economic crises, the NPP leader announced his intention of putting up a Cathedral. That actually shocked Ghanaians to the extent that many are still confused about the president’s decision in a country the economy is struggling and thousands of people unemployed.

In the process, the NPP government pulls down bungalows of some judges located around the 37 Military Hospitals, for the construction of a National Cathedral. Religion is Ghana and Ghana is religion, one of the good reasons Christians and Muslims live peacefully in this great country formerly called Gold Coast.

Despite all the opposition against the construction of this Cathedral, John Peter Amewu, the immediate-past Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, defended the government’s actions.

Within a relatively short period of four years, Akufo-Addo who declared John Mahama corrupt and assured Ghanaians of a war against corruption was also involved in serious corruptible scandals than John Mahama.

The Ghanaian president, Nana Akufo Addo was involved in over sixty corruptible scandals, including a $1.22billion Ghana Card project, $20,000 bribe demand by the Presidency from an investor seeking to meet the President and Chairman Wontumi’s involvement in illegal mining in the country.

Also, the massive corruption with the NPP government led to the collapse of banking systems in the country and Kwesi Nyantakyi’s bribe demand on behalf of the President, dubious $2.5 million Ghana Post GPS.

How possible that a president that gave an assurance to Ghanaians to fight corruption can be possibly linked to so many corruption scandals? This is enough to tell every intelligent Ghanaian that Akufo-Addo is not the person that he wants everyone to believe he is.

While the wise Ghanaians are demanding answers from the president, the morons were bringing out the archives of John Mahama’s corruptible deals, in this way, it worth it if Akufo-Addo also involved in corruption. What a country that crime has now become the norm in politics with impunity?

You don’t need to be an economist to know that adding high currency notes to an already ailing economy will drastically affect it, yet Akufo Addo ordered the Bank of Ghana to add the 100 and 200 cedis banknotes to the market, telling Ghanaians that the currencies will ensure customer convenience and bring about efficiency to generate savings for the country. What political and economical fools?

Under the leadership of Nana Akufo-Addo, the US news, ranked by perception, lists Ghana as the 3rd corrupt among 10 countries in the world. Reference:

Let’s put all these aside and ask this serious question if you are an intelligent Ghanaians. How can one that wants to let Ghanaians believe because of his religious faith and relationship with the almighty God, and, therefore, would like to build a Cathedral and dedicate it to God, would also allow the commissioning of LGBTQ office in Ghana?

Like judges, politicians also swear an oath with the Holy Bible but after that nothing in the bible matters to them anymore. In their entire service to the nation, they even forget that they swore an oath. Judges and politicians carry the bible where ever they go but don’t know where the chapters of Hebrews and Jeremiah are.

What they know best about the bible is the book of Genesis because that’s the beginning of the scriptures and Revelation, the end of the scriptures. If Akufo Addo reads his bible daily and understands what the book teaches, he wouldn’t take money from any foreign government to legalize homosexuality in Ghana.

I don’t hate homosexuals, it is their life, therefore, they can do whatever they like with their body but my country’s constitution is not familiar with that therefore, we are not going to accept its office or offices on our shores.

The foreign governments shouldn’t take Africa for granted to impose their lifestyles on them because none of their leaders listen to the voice of an African leader. There are many places such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen they can go and try if they think the prevention of LGBTQ office is a violation of human rights.

I am sorry to say that Nana Akufo-Addo can build 10 mighty Cathedrals in Ghana but that will not convince any Ghanaian that he is pure Christian, unless the members of his family. He is corrupt and deceitful like all politicians.