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Opinions of Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Columnist: Alfred Obeng-Boateng

Whatever happens in parliament, both sides believe to be fighting and sacrificing for Ghana

Parliament of Ghana Parliament of Ghana

A section of the Ghanaian population is not happy about the hot arguments and the two occasions where Honourable Members physically struggled that led to assaults in the August House of Parliament particularly since the commencement of the 8th Parliament. 

I am hopeful that those who are condemning the situation will have a change of mind after reading this piece of article and will then appreciate the fact that both majority and minority groups in Parliament are going through all these sacrifices in the interest of mother Ghana and nothing else. 

I will limit the argument to what just happened regarding the approval of E-Levy Bill in Parliament on the night of 20 December 2021. The majority in Parliament on one hand was of the view that without the proceeds of the E-Levy, our dear country will suffer severe economic hardship from 2022 onwards where the citizens high expectations for good roads, seed capital for young Entrepreneurs to reduce the unemployment rate and its concomitant effects etc in the country cannot be met therefore their determination to ensure its approval.

We should be mindful of the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on global economy of which Ghana is not an exception. It will interest you to know that the Majority in Parliament has no role in the management of the funds from the E-Levy.

Clearly, both the collection and its management is absolutely vested in the executive arm of government and Majority group plays no role in it. In any event both majority and minority have only over sight responsibilities to ensure that the allocations of the funds are properly used for their intended purposes. 

On the other hand, the Minority group is of the view that the E-Levy will be a  burden on ordinary Ghanaian and therefore the government must reduce it drastically or withdraw it completely.

It is not the Minority group who will be paying the 1.75% levy for individuals who enter into electronic transactions and therefore they have nothing to lose apart from sacrificing or fighting for mother Ghana. Any argument that the Minority group in Parliament will personally lose something or their political party will not come to power if the bill is passed is one's own imagination and not supported by any research. 

It is therefore clear that both Majority and Minority groups  in Parliament go through what others see to be bad not because of their personal interests but the interest of the nation. Both groups do not gain any direct personal benefit from doing so apart from the benefit that every Ghanaian gets when our country progresses.

In any event, those who get much benefit from what both groups are fighting for are not part of the two groups. Thus the ordinary Ghanaian who is being asked to pay the 1.75% levy of which the minority group says no way and the ordinary Ghanaian who needs good roads, vibrant economy, jobs etc and for which reason the Majority group says there is the need to pay that small amount of 1.75% levy. 

The likely question one may ask is that if both groups meant well then why the fight? The answer is that because of the passion that both groups have for the country the feeling that the other group wants to destroy that beloved country will automatically generate the misunderstanding leading to the natural tendency of uncontrolled emotion with its associated physical abuse such as assaults and battery. 

The day that one group loves for the country will be compromised, there will be no hot argument let alone emotions with associates assaults and battery. 
In conclusion, when two women genuinely loves a man, they fight over him and protect all his interests.

What have been happening in Parliament tells me that if all institutions in Ghana will be honest to the country like Parliament of Ghana where both Minority and Majority groups are in the position to collude to better their living conditions but for the love for Ghana they don't and they rather go-rounds in some cases begging like ordinary people for support not for their own use but for the people they represent.

Ghanaians, let us applaud and give ultimate respect for every Member of Parliament because they are sacrificing for us but we don't know. Without Parliament there is no democracy.