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Opinions of Thursday, 12 July 2012

Columnist: Akoto, Oscar

When Did Malik Kwaku Baako Become A Legal Luminary?

People of Ghana; our dear friend Malik Kwaku Baako has suddenly become a legal guru ooo!!!

Yes, Malik Kwaku Baako is now the greatest “legal” brain in Ghana. The man is now rattling law theories and Latin dictums as if he is the one who gave birth to legal studies.

Should we be thanking God for His Mercies? Maybe not!!

The truth of the matter is that, Kwaku Baako has become a “lawyer” out of frustration and desperation.

The NPP and its media hirelings succeeded in deceiving themselves into believing that, the whole judgment debt debate, will constantly stay in the court of the Atta Mills Administration.

Hanging on to the Woyome issue, the NPP and its assigns have continued to swing in all kinds of propaganda directions, thinking that the election will be won on this single matter.

Without any concrete message for the electorate, Akufo-Addo, the NPP, and the likes of “lawyer” Malik Kwaku Baako, have continued to drool at the mouth with the Woyome matter.

Indeed, the NPP has not set up a Manifesto Committee because they are confident that the Woyome matter will be enough to convince the electorate to make a gargantuan mistake and allow Akufo-Addo to become President and also allow Ursula Owusu to become the de facto First Lady.

Of course, Ghanaians will not forget how the Akufo-Addo delayed in naming his running mate because in the estimation of the NPP, the Woyome matter was boiling in their favour and the naming of a running mate would make the Woyome matter simmer.

Suddenly, the NPP has woken up to find its back against the wall in respect of the issue of judgment debt, and the likes of Malik Kwaku Baako, have become “lawyers” overnight, trying hard to save the drowning Kwadwo Mpiani and the NPP. Listening to “Lawyer” Kwaku Baako on Peace FM’s Kokroko Show yesterday morning, was like listening to a classic example of how to make a legal mockery of oneself.

“Lawyer” Kwaku Baako exposed his deep level of frustration over how his paymaster, Kwadwo Mpiani, is the pivot around which the NPP’s stinking judgment debt debacle is revolving.

Kwaku Baako cannot believe that his paymaster is sinking very quickly in the rot that he created as Chief of Staff, by sinking the nation’s coffers into the belly of judgment debt payment.

It is the wickedness of Kufuor and Kwadwo Mpiani that has saddled the Atta Mills Administration with huge judgment debt payments, and this picture is becoming clearer by the day.

Kwaku Baako, who is quick to admit that he has no training in the law, out of frustration, has thrown that mantra of his into the dustbin, and is now speaking law as if he was born with the law in his mouth.

“Lawyer” Kwaku Baako is now a master of Latin legal dictums. How interesting!!! It was very interesting listening to Kwaku Baako make fun of himself when giving a legal lesson in the issue of “Statute of Limitation”.

What Kwaku Baako did not open his mind to; is the fact that, he is the one who has a gargantuan “Statute of Limitation” on his legal thinking. Indeed, no matter how the courts continue to conspire to embarrass the Attorney General’s Department, Kwaku Baako can NEVER claim to know the law more than the lawyers who work at the AG’s Department.

If Kwaku Baako thinks he knows the law, he should borrow a gown and wig from his NPP lawyer friends and go to court, and he will see how he will end up soiling his pants.

As they saying goes; “talk is cheap”, and it was quite apparent that Kwaku Baako was spewing very cheap legal arguments.

It is not a secret that the likes of, Nana Asante Bedietuo, Kwame Akuffo, Ace Ankoma and co, are the ones deceiving Kwaku Baako into believing that he is now a legal luminary.

Indeed, who can blame Kwaku Baako for deceiving himself into believing that he is a master of the law? After all, did Kwaku Baako not sit on TV sometime in 2001/2002, questioning the legal thinking of Professor E.V.O Danquah; who was lead counsel for Tsatsu Tsikata?

If a man is being fed with information from National Security and his political paymasters about the direction in which the Tsatsu Tsikata case will go, why would he not feel emboldened to sit on TV questioning the legal thinking of a learned law professor in the person of E.V.O Danquah?

What Kwaku Baako does not know he has succeeded in doing; is to expose the strong panic that has hit the NPP and its media hirelings over the truth that is coming out as regards the frontal role Kufuor and his Chief of Staff played in senselessly

“Lawyer” Kwaku Baako and his paymasters thought that they were home and dry; they have woken up to the realisation that they laughed too early, and are now frothing at the mouth. As things stand now, many more Ghanaians are getting very angry at the way Kufuor, Kwadwo Mpiani, Akufo-Addo and co, wickedly and senselessly abrogated legally binding contracts just for evil parochial political reasons. If the sentiments on the airwaves is anything to go by, “lawyer” Malik Kwaku Baako would have to go from house-to-house espousing his extremely watery legal arguments because it is quite apparent that sitting Peace FM, will not be enough to attempt to do damage control for Kufuor, Kwadwo Mpiani, and their NPP looting Administration, which spent 8 years just burdening Mother Ghana with their wicked, stealing, thieving, looting, and nation-wrecking ways.

On lighter note, if Kwaku Baako really wants to get proper legal training, he should be humble enough to approach His Excellency President John Evans Atta Mills, and he (Baako), will get quality legal training for free. The birds are coming home to roost, and it is exciting listening to the likes of “lawyer” Malik Kwaku Baako, expose their inner feelings of, extreme PANIC and gargantuan FEAR!!!

The NDC is coasting to victory by the grace of God and no amount of watery legal arguments will prevent God’s BELOVED son; John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills, from getting a second term to continue to build a BETTER GHANA.