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Opinions of Monday, 16 September 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

When Laws Break Down, Countries Collapse

? In any country where a few individuals, groups of individuals or certain self-acclaimed powerful persons or groups take the laws into their hands, then the collapse of that country is not far away but imminent.

? As it was in Somalia, so it was in Libya and now in Syria and so shall it be in Ghana if care is not taken. Ghana currently abounds in probable State-sponsored lawlessness, hypocritical selective justice and tactical divide and rule policies.

The Ghana Supreme Court, the bastion of justice and authority is now found to have become infested with equally corrupt judges who have no respect for laid down Constitutional and Electoral laws. They disingenuously interpret the laws to suit their own whims and caprices. This is my observation about them following the Election 2012 Court proceedings through to declaration of verdict by the Supreme Court. The judges goofed big time. Following the judgment, rumours are rife that Asantehene collusively secured President Mahama the Court's favourable verdict through grafting some judges. I hope the rumours were not true but if they were, then his reputation has been tarnished beyond repair.

The Manhyia Palace will respond to the rumours at the appropriate time. It will certainly be a denial. However, the news I heard on the radio yesterday has set some doubt in my mind. The news had it that the Zongo Community in Kumasi led by one Alhaji Morro has issued an ultimatum to Kessben FM and the Free Press to submit them, the Zongo Community, the proof that Asantehene really bribed the judges. In default, they threaten to deal drastically with the authors and peddlers of the rumours. Who appointed the Zongo Community one-sided or biased arbitrators in this case?

I hope Manhyia Palace and Asantehene are not lurking in the shadows of the Zongo Community, pushing them to do their dirty work for them. The Zongo Community should not by the exercise of brute force or threats try to conceal the truth or uphold the falsity of the rumour.

? Any intelligent person may presume Asantehene is pushing the Zongo guys to cow the people should they take the laws into their hands to execute lawless acts as intended should the Free Press or Kessben FM fail to provide them the proof as demanded.

? Anyway, are the Zongo Community men and boys a law unto themselves? Are they the Court to order Asantehene’s accusers to submit them the proof justifying whether or not Asantehene did engage in bribery to woo the support of some judges for a reason or the other? ? ? If the allegation which has assumed the proportion of wild Summer or Dry season bushfire is not true, Asantehene or the Manhyia Palace should take his accusers to Court. But, are the Courts honest as one doubts their credibility following Election 2012 verdict pronounced by the Supreme Court?

? Finally, I SHALL suggest, for the truth to out, Asantehene MUST invoke the gods not only to clear his name but to curse his accusers if they are lying to discredit his name. On the other hand, as corrupt as the courts have proved they are, the accusers should invoke the gods, powerful ones known to strike their victims with thunderbolt, of course, to justify their insistence on their claim or allegation that Asantehene did mediate offers of bribe to garner John Mahama majority vote by the judges.

? No amount of intimidation can hide the truth forever. Intimidation as a weapon when wielded, can only temporarily obstruct the truth. Which of the parties has committed a crime here or is lying? I am sure the government will not meddle in this, for I heard that Alhaji Morro say on the news, "Asantehene has not done anything wrong. He has not bribed any judges. The judges told the truth and President Mahama was genuinely elected" What will any sensible person impute to this? Why is he dragging the government in? Is it because they are seeking the selective protection of the government in the event they execute their threatened lawless plot?

The Supreme Court has broken the laws of the land hence, every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to be law unto themselves. What happens if everyone administers justice in their own understanding as in pursuance by the Kumasi Zongo Community? Will Ghana not collapse on our heads in the end? Ghana is falling apart, the Supreme Court could not hold it together.

? I leave it to discerning Ghanaians to discuss.

? Rockson Adofo ? ? ? ?