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Opinions of Monday, 25 January 2021

Columnist: Nana Nyameye

When does Ghana remember her assets?

Photo of immediate and past presidents of Ghana Photo of immediate and past presidents of Ghana

We live in a nation where insult on our leaders has become a norm. A situation I find worrying considering our societal values and cultural heritage. Hence the need to indicate to all and sundry the impact of this negative trend.

I may be young but research has shown that Ghana’s first President, His Excellency, Osaagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of blessed memory, was a great leader. This could be seen in the area of his numerous social interventions from road construction, building of factories, free university education just to mention but a few.

Many Ghanaians today speak well of him simply because he is dead. The same Nkrumah who was vilified during, before and after his overthrow is now praised for his good works. Really? It is an infamy.

Today, Politics has clad our sense of reasoning as a people. Many party officials from various political divide shield the truth in order to score cheap political points during national discourse. My question is “what is wrong with Ghana”? Some people get to the extent of raining insults on Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings of blessed memory, Ex-President John Dramani Mahama, His Excellency Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo among other key national Statesmen.

It is really sad. If the aforementioned individuals were family members of these preys, would the situation had been the same or otherwise?
I sometimes, think democracy has done more harm than good. This is because in the coup era there’s absolute sanity in the system. You dare not speak ill of a sitting president. However, with the emergence of democratic governance and the aspect of freedom of speech, things have turned sour. You could be NNP, NDC, NPP, PNC, NDP or even APP, but remember respect brings peace and tranquility among the citizenry.

There are some managers of both public and private institutions in the country who engage in all sort of malfeasance. However, they cover their own evil and insult politicians on the same corruption the nation continues to reckon with. He who calls for equity must certainly come with clean hands and even mouths. Ghana has a long way to go because we always blame governments for our misfortune. We must ensure that issues of national interest are not politicized.

This brings me to the reason of my being here today. Enough of denting the reputation of our leaders. Many of these negative acts go a long way to insight the youth to disregard the elderly in the short and long terms. When Ex-President Rawlings was alive, people from all walks of life lambasted him. However, the situation is different now that he is no more. People even want to claim how well they knew him and all. A typical of the Ghanaian. We cherish the dead at the expense of the living.

The only time you see unity among the populace is during a demise of a Head of State. You see a lot of people eulogizing the dead. Enemies are not left out as they demonstrate solidarity through the usual shedding of crocodile tears. It’s about time we eschew this evil and selective way of showing respect and honour to whom honour is due. No wonder, the country is still at the verge of death despite the numerous natural resources at our disposal.

We will continue to be on the life support machine as a nation until we decide to eschew corruption, vindictiveness, wickedness and demonstrate true love devoid of body politics. Death must always be there to remind us of our stewardship so as to refrain from acts that don’t conform to the norms of the society and nation. Let’s honour our assets when they are full of life. Fare, Thee, Well to all Ghanaian Leaders of blessed memory. May God bless all right thinking Ghanaians.